Natural Law

Chummar C, Paul

Natural Law in Search of a Common Denominator: Proceedings of 1st CUEA International Symposium 06-08 February 2007 - Kenya CUEA International Symposium 2010 - 213p

includes index and biblioraphy

PART ONE AFRICAN AND POLITICO-ETHICAL PERSPECTIVES The Political Thought Of Thomas Aquinas ... 27 Jeffrey R. Adams The Value Of Life In African Culture ... 41 Joseph M. Nyasani Natural Law Ethics In Africa: Has It A Future?... 49 Patrick Ryan PART TWO PHILOSOPHICAL, PEDAGOGICAL, AND LEGAL PERSPECTIVES The Natural Law in Jean-jacques Rousseau`s Philosophy and its Social and Pedagogical Consequences... 63 Piotr T. Nowakowski Multiculturalism, Ethnicity and Natural Law... 73 Alexander Lucie-Smith Eros And The Natural Law ... 83 Denis Mason OSA Natural Law In Civil Law ... 92 Josphat M. Ayamunda PART THREE BIBLICAL PERSPECTIVES What Can The Creation Narratives Contribute to Reflection on the Natural Law in Contemporary Africa?... 101 Lance P Nadeau The `World in Front of the Text` and the Use of the Bible as Norma Normans in Ethics ... 110 Jean-bosco Matand Bulembat PART FOUR THEOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES Natural Law: The Foundation for Morally Good Actions and Fullness of Life ... 125 Paul Chummar C. CMI The Trinity as Basis for Marital Behaviour and Sexual Ethics... 135 Charles Nyamiti Some Brief Remarks Concerning Ethical Problems in Africa Today in the Light of the History of Catholic Nautrual Law-tradition and the Present Day Discussion in Europe .... 152 Peter Hiinermann Natural Law and the Meaning of Personal Existence in Fides et Ratio... 158 Catherine Dean PART FIVE CHRISTIAN, HINDU AND ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVES Openness to Transcendence... 169 George Ndemo Osengo Meaning and Mystery of Human Life: A Hindu Interpretation... Augustine Thottakara The Nature Of Natural Law In Islam... 195 Frederic Ntedika Mvumbi OP LAST BUT NOT LEAST...CLOSING ADDRESS - REMINISCENCES OF THE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON NATURAL LAW IN NAIROBI - SOME REFLECTIONS ON THE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON NATURAL LAW

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Natural Law

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