Science, Philosophy and Physical Geography

Inkpen, Rob

Science, Philosophy and Physical Geography - London Routledge 2005 - 164p

includes index and biblioraphy

Introduction Structure of the book 3 Chapter 1 Ideas, change and stability in physical geography What are ideas and how do they change? 5 Is there a history of ideas in physical geography? 10 What are the important concepts in physical geography? Summary 24 Chapter 2 The nature of reality 25 What is reality? 25 Views of different philosophies 27 Case Study: Critical rationalism - an example from environmental reconstruction 31 Reality as a dialogue 35 Theory, reality and practice 36 Case Study: Myths and theories 38 Physical geography as historical science 41 Summary 43 Chapter 3 Entities and classification 45 Introduction 45 What are entities? 46 Entities and kinds 47 Case Study: Species as natural kinds 51 Case Study: Magnitude and frequency - entities out of context 52 Classification 56 Case Study: Classification of soils 58 Summary 60 Chapter 4 Forms of explanation Explanation in physical geography 63 What is explanation? 63 Causality 65 Case Study: Necessary and sufficient conditions 67 Explanatory frameworks 70 Case Study: General and token-type landslides 77 Summary 79 Chapter 5 Probing reality Probing and the dialogue with reality 81 Measurement systems 84 Case Study: Multiple working hypotheses 88 Case Study: Triangulation of techniques - measurement of surface form on rocks 90 Practice in physical geography 92 Case Study: Linking process and form - intensive study of bedforms 95 Case Study: Probing reality -fluvialflow structures 97 Computer simulation of reality 101 Summary 102 Chapter 6 Systems: the framework for physical geography? Systems analysis in physical geography 103 Application of systems thinking 106 Systems and change 108 Case Study: Systems and landscape sensitivity 113 Summary 115 Chapter 7 Change and complexity Equilibrium: an ex-concept? 117 Chaos and complexity: more of the same? 121 Emergence and hierarchies: scale revisited? 126 Case Study: Complexity and change - landscape evolution and organization 131 Summary 136 Chapter 8 Physical geography and societies Paradigms and social networks 137 Social construction and physical geography? 139 Ethics in physical geography: reflection required? 140 Physical and human geography: division or integration? 143 Summary 146

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