The Trinity Guide to the Christian Church

Due, William J

The Trinity Guide to the Christian Church - New York Continuum International Publishing Group Inc. 2006 - 166p

includes index and biblioraphy

1. The Earliest Developments .............................. 1 Original Models of Church in the New Testament ............. 1 Early Christian Fathers ................................... 3 The Church-East and West .............................. 6 The Crisis in 1054 ...................................... 9 Stress Lines in the West from 1100 ........................ 12 2. The Agents of the Reformation .......................... 20 Important Developments Preceding the Crisis ................ 20 Martin Luther (1483-1546) ............................. 23 John Calvin (1509-64) ................................. 28 The English Reformation ................................ 30 John Wesley (1703-91) and Methodism ................... 32 The Baptists .......................................... 33 3. Protestant Ecclesiology Comes of Age .................... 39 Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768-1834) ..................... 39 Karl Earth (1886-1968) ................................ 44 PaulTillich (1886-1965) ................................ 51 Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-45) ........................... 56 4. Recent Views of Traditional Catholic Ecclesiology .......... 65 Yves Congar(1904-95) ................................. 65 Hans Kiing(1928-) .................................... 72 Karl Rahner(1904-84) ................................. 82 Leonardo Boff(1938-) ................................. 87 5. The Next Generation of Protestant Ecclesiology ............ 96 John A. T. Robinson (1919-83) and John Macquarrie (1919-) ............................. 96 Wolfhart Pannenberg (1928-) ........................... 104 Jiirgen Moltmann (1926-) .............................. 113 6. Other Approaches to Church .......................... 121 Rosemary Radfbrd Ruether (1936-) ...................... 121 John Meyendorff (1926-92) and John Zizioulas (1931-) ...... 127 The Free Churches .................................... 134 The Pentecostals ...................................... 139

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