The Golden Chain

Uzdavinys, Algis

The Golden Chain An Anthology of Pythagorean and Platonic Philosophy - New Delhi Pentagon Press 2005 - 319p

includes index and biblioraphy

PART I TRADITIONAL ACCOUNTS ON THE LIFE AND TEACHINGS OF PYTHAGORAS 1. Anonymous The Life of Pythagoras 2. Diogenes Laertius The Life of Pythagoras 3. Porphyry The Life of Pythagoras 4. lamblichus On the Pythagorean Life PART II TESTIMONIES OF PYTHAGOREAN AND NEOPYTHAGOREAN TRADITION 1. The Golden Verses of Pythagoras 2. Pythagorean Sentences: i. The Sentences of Sextus the Pythagorean ii. Pythagorean Sentences from lamblichus iii. Pythagorean Sentences from Stobaeus iv. Pythagorean Sentences from Clement of Alexandria 3. Fragments of Philolaus 4. Pythagorean Pseudepigrapha: i. Fragments of Archytas ii. Timaeus of Locri On the World and the Soul iii. Theages On the Virtues iv. Euryphamus Concerning Human Life v. Crito On Prudence and Prosperity PART III PLATO: PHILOSOPHY AS THE REGROWTH OF WINGS 1. Plato`s Dialogues and Letters: i. Seventh Letter ii. Timaeus iii. Phaedrus iv. Phaedo v. Theaetetus vi. Symposium PART IV NEOPLATONIC HERMENEUTICS AND THE WAY TO GOD 1. Porphyry On the Life of Plotinus 2. Plotinus Enneads 3. Porphyry Letter to Marcella 4. lamblichus Exhortation to Philosophy 5. lamblichus On the Mysteries of the Egyptians 6. Hierocles Commentary on the Golden Verses 7. Hermeias Commentary on Plato`s Phaedrus 8. Marinus Proclus or About Happiness 9. Proclus Commentary on Plato`s Alcibiades I 10. Proclus Theology of Plato 11. Proclus Commentary on the Timaeus of Plato 12. Proclus Commentary on the Chaldean Oracles 13. Proclus Commentary on Plato`s Parmenides 14. Damascius Commentary on Plato`s Phaedo 15. Damascius On the First Principles

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