NLP for Project Managers

Parkes, Peter

NLP for Project Managers Make Things Happen With Neuro-Linguistic Programming - United Kingdom BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT 2011 - 221p

includes index and biblioraphy

PART 1 THE WORLD OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT 5 1.1 Introduction 5 1.2 What is project management? 6 1.3 What is project success and why do projects fail? 23 1.4 Organisational culture and the maturity of the project organisation 24 1.5 People skills through the project management life cycle 27 1.6 People aspects in project management processes 29 1.7 Skills and characteristics of effective project managers 37 1.8 Summary of Part 1 49 PART 2 THE WORLD OF NLP 51 2.1 Introduction 51 2.2 About NLP 52 2.3 The four pillars of NLP 55 2.4 Presuppositions of NLP 57 2.5 World-views and filters 58 2.6 The unconscious mind-who is in charge? 60 2.7 Beliefs, values and identity 63 2.8 Meta-programs and behaviours 67 2.9 Frames and reframing 68 2.10 Representational systems and our primary senses 69 2.11 Sensory acuity, body language and mind reading 74 2.12 Sub-modalities - the coding of our memories 75 2.13 Anchoring of state 78 2.14 Rapport-the doorway to better communication 81 2.15 Surface and deep structure of language using the meta-model 83 2.16 Timelines 2.17 Modelling of excellence 2.18 Summary of Part 2 PART 3 BRINGING THE TWO WORLDS TOGETHER - PUTTING NLP INTO PRACTICE FOR PROJECT MANAGEMENT 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Ethics and well formed outcomes 3.3 Why these skills? 3.4 Adopting an attitude of continuous development 3.5 Know thyself - developing self awareness 3.6 Be your own coach 3.7 State management 3.8 Handling stress 3.9 Presenting yourself 3.10 Being assertive while avoiding conflict 3.11 Developing flexibility in approach and style 3.12 Setting your own goals and achieving well-formed outcomes 3.13 Time - managing it and living in it 3.14 Seeing the bigger picture while managing the detail 3.15 Building rapport with stakeholders 3.16 Listening skills - hearing what`s not being said 3.17 Refraining difficult situations and delivering bad news well 3.18 Bridging the divide - negotiation, persuasion and managing difficult people 3.19 Motivating the project team 3.20 Giving and receiving feedback 3.21 Modelling excellence 3.22 Summary of Part 3

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