Basic Writings of Existentialism

Marino, Gordon

Basic Writings of Existentialism - New York Random House Inc. 2004 - 505p

includes index and biblioraphy

BASIC WRITINGS OF EXISTENTIALISM SOREN KIERKEGAARD FEAR AND TREMBLING Problema I Problema II THE SICKNESS UNTO DEATH A. Despair Is the Sickness unto Death B. The Universality of This Sickness (Despair) C. The Forms of This Sickness (Despair) FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE ON THE GENEALOGY OF MORALS First Essay: "Good and Evil," "Good and Bad" Second Essay: "Guilt," "Bad Conscience," and the Like FYODOR DOSTOEVSKY NOTES FROM THE UNDERGROUND Part I: Underground THE BROTHERS KARAMAZOV The Grand Inquisitor MIGUEL DE UNAMUNO vjuco SAINT MANUEL BUENO, MARTYR MARTIN HEIDEGGER BEING AND TIME The Possible Being-a-Whole of Da-sein and Being-Toward-Death JEAN-PAUL SARTRE EXISTENTIALISM BEING AND NOTHINGNESS Self-Negation The Encounter with the Other SIMONE DE BEAUVOIR THE ETHICS OF AMBIGUITY Ambiguity ALBERT CAMUS THE MYTH OF SISYPHUS An Absurd Reasoning The Myth of Sisyphus RALPH ELLISON INVISIBLE MAN Prologue

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