Major Hindu Celebrations

Anand, Subhash

Major Hindu Celebrations A Christian Appreciation - Indore Satprakash Sanchar Kendra 2008 - 240p

includes index and biblioraphy

MAKARA SANKRANTI: Crossing Boundaries Together 1 From Darkness to Light 2 From Death to Life 5 From Isolation to Communion 9 From Sol Invictus to Sol Justitiae 11 MAHASHIVARATRI: The Light-bearing Dark Night 25 The Myth of Mahashivaratri 26 The Greatness of Mahashivaratri 35 The Observance of Mahashivaratri 39 The Contemporary Meaning of Mahashivaratri 43 HOLI: When Lawlessness Becomes Lawful 60 Ancient Origins 62 Medieval Appropriations 69 Primal Festivities: Freedom for Celebration 74 Contemporary Aspirations: Celebration for Freedom 79 RAKSHABANDHANA:The Bond That Frees 97 A Bond with Many Roots 97 A Bond of Protection 100 A Bond between the Official and the Popular 102 A Bond of Continuity 105 A Bond Binding All 109 A Bond through Self-giving 112 A Bond That Is Love 115 A Bond for Today 120 GANESHCHATURTHI: A Beast in Search of Humanity 129 The Birth of Ganesh 131 The Genesis of the Ganesh-Myth 134 The Half-Human God 137 The Fully Human Humanity 145 DURGAPUJA: The Lady and the Demon 162 The Mahisa-mardana Myth 165 Experiencing Time 168 Redeeming Time 170 Mother and Child 174 Towards the Eternal Dawn 179 DIWALI: The Lamp and the Sun 190 A Five-day Festival 190 The World of the Dead 194 The World of the Living 197 The World to Come 207

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