New Testament Theology

Schreiner, Thomas R

New Testament Theology Magnifying God in Christ - Michigan Baker Book House 2008 - 990p

includes index and biblioraphy

part 1: The Fulfillment of God`s Saving Promises: The Already-Not Yet 1 The Kingdom of God in the Synoptic Gospels 41 2 Eternal Life and Eschatology in John`s Theology 80 3 Inaugurated Eschatology Outside the Gospels 96 Part 2: The God of the Promise: The Saving Work of the Father, Son, and Spirit 4 The Centrality of God in New Testament Theology 119 5 The Centrality of Christ in the Synoptic Gospels 168 6 The Messiah and the Son of Man in the Gospels 197 7 Son of God, I Am, and Logos 233 8 Jesus`Saving Work in the Gospels 261 9 Jesus` Saving Work in Acts 289 10 The Christology of Paul 305 11 The Saving Work of God and Christ according to Paul 339 12 The Christology of Hebrews-Revelation 380 13 The Holy Spirit 431 Part 3: Experiencing the Promise: Believing and Obeying 14 The Problem of Sin 509 15 Faith and Obedience 546 16 The Law and Salvation History 617 Part 4: The People of the Promise and the Future of the Promise 17 The People of the Promise 675 18 The Social World of God`s People 755 19 The Consummation of God`s Promises

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