Foundation of Educational Psychology

Robinson, S

Foundation of Educational Psychology - 2th ed. - New Delhi Ane Books 2009 - 208p

includes index and biblioraphy

1. Educational Psychology-Meaning, Nature and Scope 1-37 Introduction 1 Subject-Matter of Psychology 1 Branches of Psychology 2 Schools of Psychology and their Relation to Education 5 Structuralism 6 Functionalism 8 Behaviourism 9 Gestalt Psychology 13 Psychoanalysis 14 Associationism 16 Structural Analysis 16 Transactional Analysis 18 Educational Psychology 23 Methods of Educational Psychology (or) Tools of Educational Psychology 27 Suggested Readings 37 Growth and Development 39-64 Introduction 39 What is Adolescence Stage? 39 Early Childhood 41 Later Childhood 41 Differentiate Nature and Nurture 44 Behaviourial Patterns of Adolescence 45 Cognitive Development 49 Span of Attention Stages In Concept Formation Bruner`s Theory of Cognitive Development Piaget`s Stages of Cognitive Development What is Meant by Metacognition and Implication for the Learners? Suggested Readings 3. Social, Emotional and Moral Development Introduction Social Maturity What are Emotions? Moral Development Group Behaviour Group Cohesiveness Leadership Discipline Suggested Readings 4. Nature and Importance of Learning Introduction Theories of Learning Trial and Error Theory of Learning Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning Gestalt Learning (or) Insightful Learning Learning Curve Transfer of Learning Remembering and Forgetting Curve of Forgetting Gagne`s Hierarchical Structure of Learning Suggested Readings 5.Motivation Introduction Kinds of Motives Theories of Motivation Maslow`s Need Hierarchy McClelland`s Achievement Motivation Motivation in the Classroom Context Level of Aspiration Suggested Readings 6. Techniques of Teaching Introduction Description Demonstration Lecture Method Discussion Method Dramatisation Explanation Aptitude Treatment Interaction Mastery Learning Evaluation of MLS Teaching through Multimedia Suggested Readings 7. Nature of Intelligence and Creativity Introduction Theories of Intelligence Intelligence Tests and their Uses Concept of Creativity Steps in the Process of Creativity Suggested Readings

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