She Grew in Age, Wisdom and in Favour With God and People

Varkey, C P

She Grew in Age, Wisdom and in Favour With God and People Experiences That Transformed a Woman Like Us - Bangalore Claretian Publications 2002 - 160p

includes index and biblioraphy

1. Please Pray for My Teacher............................ 1 2. Your Bones and My Bones Are of the Same Colour............. 3 3. The Roar of the Mighty Ocean..................... 4 4. I Can Never Be a Nurse.................................. 5 5. The Hurdle in the Path of My Vocation...... 9 6. I Want to Be a Simple Ordinary Sister ......... 10 7. The Little Child Was My Teacher ................. 13 8. In the Hand of God......................................... 15 9. Never Refuse Any One: Never Ask for Any One... 17 10. Take Us to Sr Sharon....................................... 20 11. Don`t Choose; Don`t Bargain ........................ 23 12. God Does not Replace Human Instruments,Ordinarily....... 27 13. Value Education............................................... 28 14. God Always Answers Our Prayers ............... 31 15. I Broke the Window-pane .............................. 33 child wy are dancing 35 17.let not your left hand know 36 18.our god deeds go far beyond our expectation 40 19.the missing suitcase 41 20.the boy who ran away 43 21.i`m frying my mother 45 22.god bless you 46 you understand that child`s feelings 47 24.sister,give birth soon;father waighting 50 25 the pony tail 52 26 twelve years outsaide and one year in the stomach 53 27.let bygones be begones 54 28.god knows the exact amount 56 29.that was ravi 59 30.whenever i beg,i get what i ask for 62 31.dont just cut;write unwanted 63 32.the best things for chapel 65 may be sure,yet wrong 67 34.a dissappointment turns out to be a blessing 72 35.value of talking correction well 73 36.a strange retreat 74 37.thank you sisters for telling me this 75 38. Wherever I Go, God Goes with Me.............. 76 39. The Lord of the Impossible ........................... 71 40. When Jesus Forgives, He Forgets.................. T ` 41. Let Her Come ................................................... 42. Even if I Had Known, I Would Have Welcomed Her...... 43. I Want to See that Tree ................................... 44. Be Wise Like a Serpent................................... 90 45. Vocation Promotion ........................................ 91 46. My Mom Has Sent You This.......................... 94 47. Who Helps Whom?.......................................... 96 48. Perfectionism? .................................................. 49. Another Accident............................................. 100 50. Psalm 91: God Our Protector........................ 102 51. Do You Know What She Feels?.................... 104 52. God Had a Plan................................................ 105 53. I Wish that all My Patients Were like You... 108 54. We Are Only Instruments in God`s Hands.. 109 55. Surrender to the Lord ...................................... Ill 56. This Is Providential......................................... 112 57. It Is a Question of Gratitude ......................... 114 58. 1 Come Back from Home Enriched .............. 116 59. The Prayer of Quiet........................................ 117 60. Don`t Put Off Praying While You Are Well 118 61. At last They Found Out The Truth .............. 119 62. The Lord of the Impossible:Another Instance..... 122 63. Let Go................................................................ 126 64. She Became an Angel...................................... 128 65. Again, the Lord of the Impossible................ 130 66. God Alone Suffices ......................................... 132 67. The Lord Attends to Little Details ............... 134 68. Infant Jesus and Our Lady.............................. 136

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