Defending Substitution
Gathercole, Simon
Defending Substitution An Essay on Atonement in Paul - Michigan Baker Book House 2015 - 128p
includes index and biblioraphy
Introduction 13 1. Exegetical Challenges to Substitution 29 2. "Christ Died for Our Sins according to the Scriptures" (1 Cor. 15:3) 55 3. The Vicarious Death of Christ and Classical Parallels (Rom. 5:6-8) 85
9780801049774 1439
B86 / G224
Defending Substitution An Essay on Atonement in Paul - Michigan Baker Book House 2015 - 128p
includes index and biblioraphy
Introduction 13 1. Exegetical Challenges to Substitution 29 2. "Christ Died for Our Sins according to the Scriptures" (1 Cor. 15:3) 55 3. The Vicarious Death of Christ and Classical Parallels (Rom. 5:6-8) 85
9780801049774 1439
B86 / G224