Mission :

Jerman, Shaji.

Mission : Missiological and Canonical Perspective / Shaji Jerman. - Alwaye : Pontifical Institute of Theology and Philosophy ; 2005. - 361 p. ;

includes index and biblioraphy

Chapter I Make Disciples of all Nations... 1 The Gospel According to Matthew 34 2 The Gospel According to Mark 38 3 The Gospel According to Luke 40 4 The Gospel According to John . 44 5 The Acts of the Apostles 46 5. 1 The Early Christian Communities 47 5. 2 Paul, Apostle to the Gentiles 49 5. 3 The Jerusalem Council (Acts 15) 52 Conclusion 53 Chapter II Mission «Ad Gentes»: Highlights from History 1 The «Didache» 56 2 The Fathers of the Church - 58 2.1 Dionysius of Corinth 59 2.2 Ireneus of Lyons 60 2.3 Tertulhan 62 2.4 Origen 62 2.5 Lactantius 63 2.6 Eusebius of Caesarea 63 2.7 John Chrisostom 64 2.8 Augustine 65 2.9 Cyril of Alexandria 65 3 Development of the Term Mission «Ad Gentes» 66 4 Mission «Ad Gentes» In India 69 4.1 St. Thomas the Apostle 69 4.2 Persian Missionaries, Mar Sapor and Mar Prot 78 4.3 Jordanus Catalani de Severac OP 80 4.4 Bishop John De Marignolli 87 4.5 Francis Xavier 90 5 «De Propaganda Fide», Congregation for Missions 95 Chapter III Mission «Ad Gentes» in the Teachings of the ChmxJ 1 Encyclical Letter, «Probe Nostis» 104 2 Encyclical Letter, «Sancta Dei Civitas» 105 3 Encyclical Letter, «Ad Extremas» 107 4 Encyclical Letter, «Christi Nomen» 110 5 Encyclical Letter, «Maximum Illud» 112 6 Encyclical Letter, «Rerum Ecclesiae» 114 7 Encyclical Letter, «Saeculo Exeunte Octavo» 118 8 Encyclical Letter, «Evangelii Praecones» 120 9 Encyclical Letter, «Fidei Donum» 124 10 Encyclical Letter, «Princeps Pastorum» 127 11 Vatican Council Decree, «Ad Gentes Divinitus» 131 12 Motu Proprio «Ecclesiae Sanctae 136 13 Apostolic Exhortation, «Evangelii Nuntiandi» 140 14 Encyclical Letter «Redemptoris Missio» 143 15 Apostolic Exhortation «Ecclesia in Asia» 148 Chapter IV Mission «Ad Gentes», a Canonical Analysis 1 The «Schenia» of Formation of CIC, can. 786 156 1. 1 Schema 1, Can. 2 157 1.2 Schema 1971, Can. 2 158 1.3 Schema 1977, Can. 34 159 1.4 Schema 1980, Can. 741 161 1. 5 «Codex luris Canonici», Can. 786 163 2 Exegetical Analysis of CIC, Can. 786 164 2. 1 Proper Missionary Activity 164 2. 2 Sending Heralds of the Gospel 168 2. 3 Plantation of Churches 170 2. 4 New Churches , 172 2. 5 Full Constitution 175 3. Mission «Ad Gentes» in CCEO, a Brief Comparison 176 Chapter V Stages of Mission «Ad Gentes» 1 Proclamation 181 1. 1 Proclamation of the Good News 181 1. 2 Christian Witness 184 1. 3 Formation of the Communities of Christ`s Faithful 186 2 Plantation of Churches 189 2. 1 Portion of the People of God 192 2.2 Ministries and Institutions 192 2. 3 Indigenous Priests and Religious 193 2. 4 Lay Faithful 194 2. 5 Proper Bishop 195 3 Full Constitution 1% 3. 1 Maturity of Christian Life 197 3. 2 Self Sufficiency of Missionaries 198 3. 3 Self Sufficiency of Resources 199 3. 4 Missionary Church 202 Chapter VI Mission «Ad Gentes» and the Supreme Authority of the Roman Pontiff 1 Recognition of a Mission Territory 206 2 Erection of a Diocese of Mission 210 3 Appointment of the Diocesan Bishop 212 ChapterVII Mission «Ad Gentes» and Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples 1 Scope of the Congregation 218 2 Structure of the Congregation 222 2.1 Ordinary Members 222 2.2 Representatives 222 2.3 Council of Consulters 224 2.4 Superior Council of Pontifical Mission Societies 225 2.5 «Minutanti» and Collaborators 225 3 Competence of the Congregation 226 3. 1 Procedures for the Erection of a Diocese 227 3. 2 Procedures for the Appointment of the Bishop 229 3. 3 Promotion of Missionaries 231 3. 3. 1 Promotion of Missionary Vocations 231 3.3.2 Formation of Missionaries 233 3.3.3 Promotion of Missionary Spirituality 235 3.3.4 Formation of Lay Missionaries 237 3. 4 Congrigation and Institutes of Consecrated Life 239 3. 5 Congrigation and Societies of Apostolic Life 243 Chapter VIII Missio

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