Commentary on the Documents of Vatican II :

Vorgrimler, Herbert

Commentary on the Documents of Vatican II : Vol.1 / Edited by Vorgrimler, Herbert - New York : Herder and Herder; 1967. - 229p

includes index and biblioraphy

Volume I Constitution on the sacred Liturgy by josef Andreas Jungmann.............1 Decree on the instruments of Social Communication............89 Dogmatic constitution on the church...................105 Introductory Remarks on chapters V and VI ...............253 Volume II History of the Decree by Werner becker..........1 Commentary on the decree by Johannes Feiner...........57 Decree on the Bishops` Pastoral office in the Church..........165 Decree on the Appropriate renewal of the religious life..........301 Decree on Priestly formation......371 volume III Declaration on the relationship of the Church to non-Christian Religions..........1 Excursus on Hinduism ......137 Excursus on Buddhism .........145 Excursus on Islam ...................151 Dogmatic constitution on Divine revelation Origin and background .....................155 Preface ............167 Chapter I-VII......................170-262 Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity.........273 Volume IV Declaration on Christian Education........1 Declaration on Religious Freedom.........49 decree on the Church`s Missionary activity.............87 Decree on the Ministry and life of Priests History of the Decree ...........183 Commentary on the decree ............210 Volume V Pastoral constitution on the church in the modern world........1 Part I CHapter 1-4.........115-246 Part II Chapter I-V...................225-370 Excursus on the problem of Part II, Chapter V, Section 2 By Oswald von Nell-breuning ............374 Excursus on Populorum progressio ....380 Excursus on Article 90............382 Excursus on the Church of love ..........384 Excursus on Humanae vitae ........397 Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy,. V1.


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