Religion in Pictures

Pyzalski, Leo

Religion in Pictures - Illinois Holy Legion Office 1953 - 65p

includes index and biblioraphy

God the first cause God is the existence God`s eternity God`s omnipotence God`s omniscience God`s omnipresence God`s infinite wisdom God - infinite love goodness God`s infinite holiness God - the truth God, Fulness of all goods God`s infinite perfections God - the eternal law God is life The most holy trinity God, the creator of the universe God, the creator of angels and humans God praised by all creatures through angels and humans The human nature The human soul - free will God`s designs in reference to mankind The original sin Human nature after the original sin personal sin moral sin venial The greatest commandment of love for god What is the meaning of love for god? First commandment of god Second commandment of god Third commandment of god Fourth commandment of god Fifth commandment of god Sixth commandment of god Seventh commandment of god Eighth commandment of god Ninth commandment of god Tenth commandment of god Sanctifying grace Actual grace Jesus, True god and true man - the mystery of incarnation Jesus our divine teacher Jesus our divine savior, intercessor, victim The mystical body of christ the teaching church The mystical body of christ The christian people Miracles, a divine mark of the catholic church Sanctity of the catholic church The sacrament of baptism The sacrament of confirmation The most holy eucharist - real presence THe divine sacrifice of jesus The sacrifice of penance The sacrament of extreme unction Priesthood, holy orders The sacrament of matrimony Divine justice - Purgatory, heaven, hell God`s distributive justice The lord`s prayer Necessity of continual prayer The immaculate heart of mary, the mystical channel of grace Heaven Heaven many mansions in heaven


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