John Milton

Carey, John

John Milton Complete Shoter Poems - London Longman, Green & Co. 1971 - 531p

includes index and biblioraphy

The MINOR POEMS AND SAMSON AGONISTES 1. A paraphase of psalm cxiv 2. Psalm cxxxvi 3. Carmina elegiaca 4. Ignavus satrapam 5. Philosophus and regamhaec 6. Apologus de rustico et hero 7. On the death of a fair infant dying of a cough 8. Elegia prima ed carolum diodatum 9. In obitum praesulis eliensis 10. In obitum procancellarii 11. Elegis secunda, in obitum praeconis academici cantabrigiensis 12. In proditionem bombardicam 13. In eandem 14. In eanderm 15. In enadem 16. In inventorem bombardae 17. In quintum novembria 18. Elegia tertia in obitum praesulis wintoniensis 19. Elegia quarta ad thomam junium 20 Naturam non pati senium 21. De idea platonica 22. Elegia septima 23. At a vacation exercise in the college. 24. Elegia quinta, in adventum veris 25. Sonnet I 26. Song .on may morning 27. Sonnet II 28. Sonnet III 29. conzone 30. Sonnet IV 31. Sonnet V 32 .Sonnet VI 33. The fifth ode of horace lib,I 34. On the morning of christ`s nativity 35. Elegia sexta 36. The passion 37. on shakespeare. 38. on the university carrier 39. Another on the same. 40. An Epitaph on the marchioness of windester 41. L` allegro 42. II penseroso 43. Sonnet 44. Ad patrem. 45. Note on ariosto 46. Arcades 47. At a solemn music 48. ON TIME. 49.upon the circumcision 50 Comus a masque presented at ludlow castle 51. Psalm 52. Haec ego mente 53. lYCIDAS 54. fixher 55. Ad leonoram rome canentem 56. Ad eandem 57. Ad eandem 58. Ad salsillum poetam romanum 59. Mansus. 60. Epitaphium damonia 61. Translations from of reformation 62. Translation from reason of church government 63. Translation from apology for smectymnuus 64. Sonnet VIII when the assault was intended to the city 65. Sonnet X. to the lady marget ley 66. SonnetIX 67. Translation from title page of areopagitica 68. Translation from tetrachordon 69. In effigiei eius sculptor 70. Sonnet XIII. to Mr. H. lawes. 71. SonnetXII.on the detraction which followed upon my writing certain treatises 72. on the new forces of conscience under the long parliament 73. Sonnet XIV 74. Ad joannem Rousium oxoniensis academiae bibliothecarium 75. Sonnet xi 76. Psalms 77.on the lord fairfax at the siege of colchester 78. Translation from tenure of kings and magistrates. 79. Translation from the history of Britain 80. Epigram from defensip pro populo anglicano 81. To the lord general crom well. 82. to sir heny vane the younger 83. Sonnet XVI 84. Samson agonistes 85. psalms. 86. verses from defensio secunda 87. Sonnet XVII 88. Sonnet Xv. on the late massacre in piedmont 89. Sonnet XVIII 90. To mr cyriack skinner upon his blindness 91. Sonnet XIX 92. From title page of the second edition of the ready and easy way paradise regained Introduction .........417 94 The poem .........431 Bibliography of references cited ........522 Index of titles and first lines ...527 42.

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