Studies in Indian Philosophy

Ranade, R D

Studies in Indian Philosophy - Bombay Maharashtra State Board for Literature and Culture 1986 - 120p

includes index and biblioraphy

A Critical examination of samkhya I introduction II criticism of arguments for the existence of prakti and purusa IV Samkhya doctrine of causality V The schematic function of Buddhi VI Doctrine of linga- sarira VII Relation of the gunas to prakrti VIII Critism of the nature of prakrti IX Criticism of the nature of purusa X The samkhya ideal CHAPTER TWO YOGA I Introduction II Metaphysics III Epistemology IV Ethics V Occultism VI Psychology of Mysticism VII Doctrine of sphota CHAPTER THREE A Critical examination of buddhism I The pronlem of the historical buddha II The teachings of the historical buddha III Canonical buddhism IV Buddhistic ethics V Scholastic buddhism VI Badarayanas criticism of buddhism VII Dialetical buddhism VIII An exfoliation of the different conceptions of nirvana IX The Mystical element in buddhism CHAPTER FOUR I Pan-psychism II Probabilistic epistemology III Doctrine of two truths IV Agruments for the nin- existence of god V The ethical code of jainim VII Liberation vs. omniscience CHAPTER FIVE A Critical extimate of nyaya-vaisesika I Reduction of all categories to one II Analysis of the concept of cause III Proofs for god`s existence IV Nyaya doctrine of epigenesis or quqlitative noveity V Nyaya critism of buddhism VI Doctrine of perception VII Judgement, inference and induction VIII Problem of validity in nayaya and mimansa CHAPTER SIX A Critical extimate of purva- mimamsa I Reduction of all pramanas to me II The doctrine of sabda and the doctrine of sphota III Metaphysical doctrines of the mimamsa IV Contribution to the science of interpretation V The ethical ideal of the mimamsa VI Pradhakara and Kumarila VII How kumarila leads to vedanta CHAPTER SEVEN Points in gaudapada`s philosophy .......74 CHAPTER EIGHT The philosophy of RmanuJa .......84 CHAPTER NINE The philosophy of madhva .......91 CHAPTER TEN The philosophy of vallabha .......95 CJAPTER ELEVEN The philosophy of nimbarka ........98 CHAPTER TWELVE The vedanta and western thought ...........101 CHAPTER THIRTEEN The vedanta in relation to western thought .......105 CHAPTER FOURTEEN The pathway to god .......110


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