Pope Francies

Pandikattu, Kuruvilla

Pope Francies His Impact on and Relevance for the Church and Society: Commemorating Five Years of His Papacy - New Delhi Christian World Imprints 2018 - 382p

includes index and biblioraphy

I. Historical overview 1. Making of pope francis ...3 2. Pope francies pontifex maximus ...17 II. Pastoral approach 3. A rediscovery of the gospel and the discipleship ...31 4. Pope francis on catholic bioethics : The impact and significance ...47 5.The era of pope francis : Break or beginning ? pastoral care of the divorced and remarried with an open ear and a generous heart ...57 6. Pope francis moral and pastoral approach in amoris laetitia ...69 III. Building bridges 7. Gazing at our world with gods eyes of mercy: Pope francis theological vision ...91 8. The pilgrim church building brides with the modern world ...101 9. Embracing the laity : The vision of pope francis ...117 10. Reinventing religious life : The challenge of pope francis ...137 IV.Dialogue as way of life 11. Dialoguing with religious : The impact of pope francis on inter cultural and inter faith interactions ...153 12. Dialoguing with science : science and religion for human growth ...165 13. Ian barbour`s models for science religion dialogue : A re reading inspired by pope francis ...175 V. Listening to the cry of the poor 14. Pope francis challenge : listening to the cry of the marginalized ...191 15. Pope francis plea: Critiquing the captalist order ...203 16. Pope Francis mission : prophetic commitment ...211 17. Is pope a communist ? A critical response ...227 VI. Protecting environment 18. Laudato si : It trinitarian and christological dimensions ...241 19. Laudato Si : its philosophical foundation ...249 20. Laudato Si : Eco vision of pope francis ...259 VII. Servant leadership 21. Pope francis : His leadership style and impact ...277 22. Pope Francis: Making of a new history of church leadership ...291 23. Relationality as the paradigm of pope francis leadership ...301 24. Pope Francis the game changer : From the top down tradition to down up communitarian approach ...309 VIII. Enduring impact 25. Pope Francis : The how and why of hios impact ...337 26. The new pope: Analysing the shift in the indian media`s coverage of the papacy ...349 27. Guided by prayer and humility : A case study on the comments on a provocative article on pope francis ...363 Our contributors ...379

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