Hominisation and the Kingdom of God

Kavalackal, Rajesh

Hominisation and the Kingdom of God A Study on E. Schillebeeckx and M.M. Thomas - Bangalore Dharmaram Publications 2018 - 347p

includes index and biblioraphy

1 : Hominisation and the kingdom of god : The biblical theological contexts and immanentTheories ...21 Introduction ...21 Initial observations ...22 The quality of christian life as the key concept ...22 The question of the end or telos of christian life ...24 The double love commandment and the destiny of humankind ...26 Various aspects of the kingdom of god ...27 A new orientation and historical praxis ...35 Biblical understanding of human fulfillment and the kingdom of god ... 39 The old testament ...39 The kingdom of god and justice ...40 The kingdom of god and liberation ...41 The kingdom of god and new creation ...41 The kingdom in relation to covenant and forgiveness ...42 According to the new testament ...42 The kingdom of god in a new way ...44 The immanence of the kingdom of god ...45 The kingdom of god and a new human existence ...47 The kingdom of god and freedom ...48 The kingdom of god and fellowship ...48 The kingdom of god and justice ...49 The kingdom and forgiveness of sins ...49 The kingdom of god as every over the power of evil ...50 The kingdom of god as victory over sin, death and the law ...50 The selection of the word hominisation ...51 Karl rahner on hominisation ...53 Teilhard de chardin on hominisation ...57 Hominisation and image and likeness of god ...62 God our common origin ...66 Common brotherhood ...67 Personhood ...68 C0-humanity ...69 Goodmess of the world ...70 Christ as the epicenter or hominisation ...70 Approaches of west and east : A short survey The western approach ...72 The eastern or asian approaches ...77 The vatican II and the world vision related to hominisation ...80 Social nature of the human being ...81 Relationship between temporal and spiritual ...82 Unity of body and soul ...83 An evaluation of immanent or secular theories ...84 Ludwig feuerbach (1804-1872) ...85 Karl marx (1818-1883) ...86Friedrich nietzsche (1844-1900) ...87 Critique of the secular humanists ...88 Conclusion ...91 2: Hominisation and the kingdom of god : Transformational perspective theology of edward schillebeeckx ...94 Introduction ...94 A biographical note of E. Schillebeeckx`s theological humanism ...96 E. Schillebeeckx`s early life ...97 Life in the dominican order: Philosophical and theological journey ...98 Initial publications ...100 Life in France and Louvain ...102 Life in nijmegen ...104 The last phase of his life ...106 Edward schillebeeckx`s basic theological assertions ...107 His philosophical sources for the theological concepts of humankind ...119 The concept of humanity : God and human inter-subjectivity ...129 Human destiny in relation to the anthropological constants ...140 Hominisation and contrast experiences ...146 The importance of our earthly history ...157 Jesus proclamation of the kingdom of god ...164 Grace and salvation in view of hominisation ...182 Conclusion ...187 3: Hominisation and the kingdom of god : The theological reflections of M.M. Thomas ...189 Introduction ...189 MMT : A life dedicated to a genuine hominisation ...190 MMT`S theological humanism : influences ...203 The concept of god `s love and the concept of the human being as apirited matter ...210 The importance and the dynamic nature of historicity ...221 The emphasis on christ and his cross ...236 The concept of salvation ...261 Praxis in the church for the sake of the kingdom of god ...276 Conclusion ...286 General conclusion ...287 1. General synthesis ...287 2. Positive aspects of the theology of E. schillebeeckx and MMT their relevance ...295 3. New horizons of human salvation and anthropology ...304 4. Catholic social thought ...309

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