Christian Responses to Issues of Human Sexuality and Gender Diversity

Kuruvilla, Philip

Christian Responses to Issues of Human Sexuality and Gender Diversity A Guide to the Churches in India - New Delhi ISPCK 2017 - 349p

includes index and biblioraphy

1. Inclusive Theologies: Re-Reading the bible and re-writing worship Inclusive Theologies Church and Homophobia : Envisioning an Inclusive church ......3 Struggle to be Human: A reflection on Human Sexuality in India ........18 Biblical Perspectives on Human Sexuality .......28 The indian Church and the Sacred cow of Human Sexuality .................34 Re-Reading the bible and re-writing worship Realising a true family of God .........44 Special Worship orders: Order of worship during dialogue church leaders and key affected people ...........49 2. Body-Mind-Justice: Medical, Psychological and legal Responses Medical Transgender status : Biology and psychology .......61 Understanding health issues, Access to services and Challenges in Sexual Health .........68 Psychological Homosexuality in India ........76 The reversal on Gay right in India ................82 Legal : International United nations: Five core legal Obligations of States with respect to protecting the human right of LGBT persons-Summary of Recomendations.............91 Legal: Indian Indian Law and people with different sexual Orientations and gender Identities ...........93 A summary of the Supreme Court verdict on Section 377 .....100 Legal Issues of Sexual Minorities ........106 Updates .......110 A right bill gone wrong : The transgender persons bill, 2016............113 3. Unheard Voices, Insider Views Unheard Voices Being maya ......119 Daniel`s Choice ....123 My saviour helped me to accept my sexuality ....128 Here I am .....130 An insider`s View Explaining alternative sexuality Issues .......136 5. Documents, Rports and Statements: Helpful NGO`s and Suggested web links / Books Documents, reports and Statements : Indian An Epistle on Human Sexuality to the chruches in India .......261 An ecumenical Document on Human Sexuality .........269 Senate of Serampore College`s Course syllabus ..........273 Statement of the NCCI-ESHA pre-Assembly: Towards just and inclusive communities ...........275 Documents, reports and statements : International Yogyakarta Principles ........279 Statements: Jakarta Statement on Church and Homophobia ...............281 Report of the Asian consultation on Church responses to Human Sexuality and Gender Minorities .........283 Statement : South and south-east asian Responses to Human Sexuality and Gender Diversities ............313 Helpful NGO`s and Suggested web links /Books Indian NGO`s that work for the LGBTI communities .................317 Suggested web links/Books ............331 Addendum ..............341

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