Semeia 87

Copier, Laura

Semeia 87 Close Encounters Between Bible and Film: An Interdisciplinary Engagement - Atlanta SBL Press 2016 - 333p - Semeia ; 201600ENGGPS8 .

includes index and biblioraphy

Introduction Laura copier and caroline vander stichele ...1 Film theory and biblical studies ...11 Part 1: Film technique as interpretive lens The obtrusive glimpse: A lfred hitchcock and the naked young man (Mark 14:51-52) On the harmony of the (Asocial) Gospel: Intolerance`s crosscut stories ...43 Reading biblical stories with cinematic eyes: A methodological approach from the perspective of transmedial narratology ....79 Part 2: Close encounters between texts and films Behold, I`ll be back terminator, the book of revelation, and the power of the past ...105 David anger was greatly kindled: Melodrama the silent cinema and the books of Samuel ...127 Death and disaster: 2012 meets noah ...155 Religion as environmental ethics: Darren Aronofsky`s noah ...175 Part 3: Interdisciplinary conversations Controversal mary: religious motifs and conflicting receptions of godard`s je vous salue marie ...187 A world of feeling: The affect of lars von trier and/as biblical apocalyptic ...209 Martin scorsese`s aviator as theological complement to his last templation of christ ...233 Lusting after lester`s lolita: Perpetuating and resisting the male gaze in American beauty ...251 Objects and the extended self: The construction of identity in moonrise kingdom and the tabernacle narratives ...269 The odds are ever in the empire`s favor: Postcolonial subject positioning in the hunger games ...289 Contributors ....315

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