Psychology of Close Relationships

Reis, Harry T

Psychology of Close Relationships -5 Vol.Set - London Sage Publications Ltd 2012 - 392p

includes index and biblioraphy

VOl. I: Theoretical Foundations - Why Relationships Matter 1. Theoretical Introduction to close relationships..............3 The greening of relationship science .............3 The need to being : Desire for interpersonal Attachments as a Fundamental Human Motivation ........17 Evolutionary approaches to Relationships ....87 Personality in Context .....121 Beyond positive psychology ? Toward a contextual View of Psysschological PRocesses and Well-Being .......161 The unrecognized stereotyping and Discrimination against singles ............181 What do we know about gay and lesbian couples ..........189 Relationships social Support, Health, and Well-Being .......199 Social Relationships and mortality risk: A meta-Analytic Review .....199 The relationship between Social Support and physiological and implications for health ..........235 Social support, fonflict, and the development of Marital Dysfunction ..........31`5 Invisible support and adju8stment to stress .......339 Toward an Interactional Description of Depression ........359 Interpersonal Predictors of Onset of FDepression during the Transitions to Adulthood ..........377 VOl. II Attraction and Relationship Development Relationships across the Lifespan Age and sex differences in Perceptions of Networks of personal relationships ...........3 Taking time seriously: A theory of Socioemotional Selectivity ......21 Similarity and Attraction The prediction of Interpersonal Attraction ..... ......55 Attraction as a linear function of PRoportion of Positive Reinforcements .....75 Inferred evaluation and the relation between attitude similarity and interpersonal Attraction ...81 Match makers and deal Breakers ......99 Is actual similarity necessary for Attraction ? A meta-analysis of actual and perceived similarity .......131 Familiarity, Proximity, and Reciprocity Exposure effects, in the Classroom .........169 Spatial Ecology.............191 Selective versus unselective romantic desire ...........205 Attractiveness Physical Attractiveness ......211 Intimacy and friendship development The rules of Friendship .................293 Communication in Interpersonal Relationships.........317 Intimacy as an Interpersonal Process ..............339 Interpersonal Attraction in Exchange and Communal Relationships ...............369 Vol. III : Relationship cognition and Emotion Attachment theory Attachment-related Psychodynamics ......3 Avoidance of Intimacy.....37 Attachment working models and the sense of trust ........65 A safe haven....97 2. Emotion in Relationships The relation between inequity and emotions in Close relationships ...........143 Taking on board liability focused information ..........165 3. Love and Sex Love: What is it, why does it matter, and how does it operater.........181 ROmantic loe conceptualized as an attachment process .......195 Love and marriage in Eleven cultures ..........225 SEx difference in Human Mate preferences........241 Human Sexuality .......265 4. Relationship Cognition Relational Schemas and the processing of social Information .........275 Close relationships as including other in the self .......327 Bias and accuracy in close relationships .........355 Implict theories of relationships ............387 Elicting facial affect, motivation and expectancies in transference .............415 Vol. IV : Relationships maintenance and Self-Regulatory Process 1. Interdependence processes 2. Self-Regulation and motivation Vol. V: Relationship deterioration 1. Marriage and Marital Conflict ..........3 2. Intimate partner Violence ........281 3. Divorce and its Consequences ..........363 Theoretical Foundations-Why Relationships Matter.-- Attraction and Relationship Development.-- Relationship Cognition and Emotion.-- Relationship Maintenance and Self-Regulatory Processes.-- Relationship Deterioration. V1. V2. V3. V4. V5.

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