Psychologists and Their Theories for Students

Krapp, Kristine

Psychologists and Their Theories for Students -2 Vol. Set - New York Thomson Gale 2005 - 278p

includes index and biblioraphy

Vol. A-K Mary Salter Ainsworth..........1 Further analysis : setting up the strange situation .........7 Biography : John bowlby...9 Further analysis : Japanese attachment theory .................13 2. Anne Anastasi .......15 Biography : James cattell ........28 Biography : Hans Eysenck ............34 Albert Bandura ........39 Further analysis : Personality theories .......63 Further analysis : Self-esteem .........64 4. Aaron Temkin beck ...........67 Biography : Albert Ellis .....77 Biography : David Barlow ..........89 5. Alfred Binet .........93 Biography : David Wechsler ........113 Biography : Robert Sternberg......117 6. Kenneth bancroft clark .....119 Biography: Gordon Alport ........133 Biography: claude steele .........140 7. Sigmund Schlomo Freud .........145 Biography:anna freud .................170 8. Carl Gustaf Jung....................201 Further analysis : Dream symbolism .........209 Biography:Marie von franz...............226 9. George alexander kelly ......229 Biography: susan fiske .........245 Biography: elizabeth loftus ................250 10. Lawrence hokleberg ..........253 11. Kurt lewin ..........279 12 Abraham Maslow ............303 13. Ivan Pavlov ..........325 14. Jean piaget ..........345 15. Carl rogers ..............373 Burrhus frederic Skinner .............399 Max wertheimer ............425 Wilhelm wundt...........447 Robert yerkes ...............473 A-K.-- L-Z,Glossary,Index. V1. V2.

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