God - the Triple Face of Love

Vekathanam, Mathew

God - the Triple Face of Love Towards a Trinitarian Theology - Bengaluru Asian Trading Corporation 2017 - 346p

includes index and biblioraphy

Introduction ...15 God, the central theme in faith, theology and spirituslity ....16 The aim of the work ....19 I. God - The problematique ....23 1. Uncritical faith - challenging faith ....24 2. God and the un-god .....25 3. The eclipse of god .....27 4. The challenge of englightenment .....29 5. The mystery as the core of religion .....29 6. The task of theology in the god-question .....34 II. The sacred and the profane .....37 1. From theonomy to autonomy ......38 2. Theonomy: Puppet-player god - pantheism, Emanation- pantheism, evolution-pantheism, panentheism, theopanism, monism, pancosmism, acosmism, panpsychism 3. Autonomy of nature: ....42 The god of creation, theism: Monotheism, polytheism, henotheism, deism: Deus otiosus - Clock-maker god .....46 4. Atheism: .....46 Historical perspectives - Jainism, buddhism. Nastika traditions: Samkhya-yoga, mimamsa, Carvaka. The greeco-Roman traditions, Renaissance 5. Modern atheism - its roots in rationalist subjectivism .....53 6. De-christianization of society: .....56 Englightenment - The french revolution 7. Atheism in the name of human autonomy: .....61 8. Contemporary forms of atheism : ....65 Existential atheism, aporistic agnosticism, Linguistic atheism, scientistic atheism, christian atheism 9. The secular and the sacred - theocracy and secular state ....72 III. Knowledge and language about god .....75 1. The post-englightenment developments: Agnosticism, Rationalism, Deism, Antiintellectualism, traditionalism, fideism, immanentism 2. Vatican I on the knowledge of god ....78 3. Ways to the knowledge of god: Cataphatic, apophatic, via analogiae .....86 4. Arguments for god`s existence : .....90 (a) Analogical knowledge of god and the quinque viae: The god of creation, (B) Anthropological approach, (c) Historical approach, (d) Ontological argument: Anselm of canterbury 5. Analogia entis and analogia fidei ....99 6. The necessity of divine revelation and faith: The god of salvation .....101 7. The god who believes in me ......104 8. Mystical knowledge of god ......107 IV. The question of god and the problem of evil .....111 1. The christian approach based on the notion of creation .....112 2. Evil and original sin .....115 3. Evil and sufferings in the context of autonomy .....116 4. Happiness as the will of god ....119 5. Sufferings and the mystery of god .....120 V. The old testament idea of god ...123 1. The evolution of faith in israel: Polytheism, the el- religion the yahweh-religion, yahweh- elohim, Yahweh - the god of liberation 2. The emergence of monotheiam in israel: .....130 Elijah, hosea, hezekiah, josiah, Babylonian exile 3. The name of yahweh ....133 4. Yahweh sabaoth ....137 5. Characteristics of the yahweh-faith .....138 VI. The picture of god in the new testament .....141 1. The god of jesus of Nazareth ....141 New elements: Not a task-massker god- Not a legalistic god - not an insensitive God - not a god of exploitation Nota god of rituals - Not a god of complacency - God`s kingdom of love 2. The picture of god as highlighted by the resurrection of jesus: ....145 The god who raised jesus from the dead - Why is jesus extraordinary? messiah the suffering messiah? 3. Pre-existence christology The one sent pre-existing word (logos) in hellenism 4. Jesus, the image of the saving god ......152 VII. God as the father ....153 1. God as father in the history of religions: Universal heritage: iFather as arche ii Father as auctoritas 2. Father, a covenantal idea VIII. The revelational self-specification of god as trinity ....169 IX. The dogmatic development .....197 X. The scholastic beginnings ....243 XI. The divine persons: Trinirarian opposition of relations ....253 XII. Corollary to the question of divine persons .....271 XIII. Holy trinity: The mystery of christian faith .....283 XIV. Scholia - The trinitarian mystery: Concluding reflections ....311

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