Care for Creation

Francis, Pope

Care for Creation A Call for Ecological Conversion - Bangalore Theological Publications in India 2018 - 111p

includes index and biblioraphy

1 care for creation .....1 The gift of creation ....1 Human ecology .....2 Cultivating and caring .....3 Taking care of creation .....5 Caring for one another .....6 The future of the world`s garden ......8 Fulfilling a plan of love .....9 The supreme good of life .....11 Creation gift of peace for all .....12 2 Degarding our common home .....14 Irreversible damage to the ecosystem ....14 The climate under threat .....15 The abuse and destruction of the environment .....16 The human environment and the natural environment .....18 The relation between nature and society .....19 The deterioration of institutions .....20 The distortion of technology .....21 The poor, victims of environmental degradation .....22 3 Etgical failure .....24 A time of permanent inequality .....24 The scandal of hunger .....25 Hunger for dignity .....28 The idolatry of profits .....29 A culture of encounter ....31 Unacceptable waste ....33 Imbalance in consumption ....34 4 This economy of exclusion .....36 An economy of exclusion ....36 The invisible tyranny ....38 The fetishism of money ....41 The distortion of the marketplace ....42 Ensuring economic freedom ......43 Money must serve, not rule .....44 An economy at the service of the people ....45 An honest economy ....48 Solidarity ....49 Inequality the root of social hills .....51 5 The globalization of indifference ....53 Insensibility to the suffering of the other ....53 The world of the excluded .....54 Abandoned to the laws of economy ....55 The cry of the poor .....55 The cry of the earth ....57 The spread of inequality .....58 Cultivating justice .....59 The temptation of a false peace ......61 6 Redefining progress .....62 We need a change ....62 Process of change .....64 For a better world .....65 Looking for progress in a new way .....66 Interaction between the state and the people ....67 Far-sighted politics ....68 7 The search for the common good .....70 The principle of the common good ....70 Welfare and the common good ....71 Building Bridges ....73 The earth and the common good ....75 Working for the rights of all ....75 Thinking about future generations ....77 8 Toward a culture of intergral ecology .....79 Defending mother earth ....79 A far-reaching vision ....80 Ecological education .....81 Lifestyles for changing the world ....84 Ecological conversion .....87 9 Constructing the human city .....90 God lives in our cities ....90 The defense of dignity ....93 Serving the person, not the ideology ...94 Touching human misery ....96 Poverty teaches solidarity .....97 The responsibility of believers ....98 We need each other ....99 Universal fraternity ....99 10 The spiritual dimension of life .....102 The world at risk ....102 Quality of life .....103 Sharing with others ....103 Welcoming others ....104 Healing fundamental relationships .....105 Keeping hope alive ....106 A revolution of tenderness ....109

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