Jesus Christ: Our Lord, God, Brother and Saviour

Francis, B Joseph

Jesus Christ: Our Lord, God, Brother and Saviour - 02 Revised - Malleswaram, Bangalore St.Peters Pontifical Institute 2011 - 179p - St Peter`s Guide Book Series - 1 .

includes index and biblioraphy

Part I Jesus is the lord I The basis of all christology .....1 II Different titles of jesus in the N T .....5 1. Jesus is the lord ......5 2. Jesus is the son of God ......7 3. Jesus is the son of man .......9 4. Jesus is the christ .....12 III The different pictures of jesus christ in the N T ......16 A) The pictures of jesus in the synoptic gospels ......16 1. Mark .....16 2. Mathew .....18 3. Kuke .....20 B) Pictures of jesus christ in the other N T writings 1. Acts .....23 2. Paul .....24 3. John .....27 4. Deutro-pauline letters ......29 5. Other epistles in the N T .......29 6. Book of revelation ......30 C) Other pictures of christ types of christology based on scripture 1. Parousia (return/second coming) christology ......30 2. Resurrection christology ......31 3. Public ministry christology ......32 4. Pre-ministry christology ......35 Part II Jesus is the god I The development of christological theories before chalcedon 451 A D .....44 1. Docetism ......44 2. Two divergent theological schools ......45 3. St. Justin of Martyr (110-167 A D) ...... 46 4. St Clement of Alexandria (150-215 Ad) .....46 5. Origin (280-336 A D) ......46 6. Arius (280-336 A D) .......46 7. appolinaries of laodices (+ 390 AD) ....47 8. The cappadocians ......49 9. Theodore of mopsuestia (+ 428 AD) ......51 10. Nestorius (+ 451 A D) ......51 11. Theodorius of cyrus (393-458 A D) .....57 12. The council of Ephesus 431 A D .....57 13. The formula of union .....60 II The document of chalcedon 451 A D explained ......62 1. The tome of leo .....63 2. The document of chalcedon .....64 Appendix: A. Dangers of overemphasizing the divinity of christ ......68 B. Dangers of overemphasizing the humanity of christ ......69 III Attempts at explaining the hypostatic union by scholastics and others .....71 1. Duns scotus XIV and the scotist`s view .......72 2. Suarez ......73 3. Thomas XVI c (capreolus, cajetan, Billot) .......73 4. Maurice de la taille (1872-1933) .......74 5. Teilhard de chardin (1861-1955) ......75 6. Piet scoonenberg .....76 7. Karl Rahner .....77 8. Liberation theologians (segundo, sobrinon boff etc) .....78 9. Some indian christian theologians ......78 Part III Jesus is our brother I Jesus had a genuine human centre of responsibility and a human consciousness ......84 1. Paul gaitier (1872-1961) ......84 2. Deodat de basly (1947) and seiller ....86 3. Parente .....86 4. Karl Rahner (1984) ......87 5. Our position ......91 Appendix: Does scripture contradict what we have said .....91 II Jesus had a genuine human limites knowledge ......93 1. Perfect human nature of jesus implies ......93 2. A note about morning and evening knowledge ......93 Appendix: 1. How does jesus come to know his mission ......96 2. How much does jesus know or not know .......98 Corollary 1. The imagination of jesus ........98 2. The question of jesus not knowing the day of judgement .......100 III Jesus had a genuine human life of faith, hope and charity ......103 1. Jesus life of faith .....103 2. Jesus life of hope ......109 3. Jesus life of love (Charity) .....111 IV Jesus had a genuine human will ......112 1. Scripture .....112 2. Tradition ......112 3. Theological reflection .......114 Corollary the sinlessness of jesus ......115 V The prayer life of jesus ......121 1. Jewish prayers and jesus .....121 2. Jesus own prayer .....123 3. Theological reflections ......124 Appendix: 1. The devotion to the sacred heart of jesus .......126 2. Sacred images .....129 VI Christology in the indian context .......133 1. Avatar ......133 2. Avatare and incarnation .....134 3. A few additional points .......135 Part IV Jesus is our saviour (Soteriology) I Different models describing the saving act of jesus .......139 II The how and where and when of salvation III Salvation in the indian religious context .....169


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