The Great Humanists

Arnold, Jonathan

The Great Humanists An Introduction - London I. B. Tauris 2011 - 327p

includes index and biblioraphy

Italy 1.Francesco petrarch and the growth of the Renaissance .....23 2. Lorenzo Valla: The confrontational philologist ....43 3. Marsilio Ficino: The Florentine platonist ......57 4. Giovanni pico della Mirandola: The italian cabalist ......72 The low countries 5. Rudolph Agricola: Father of northern european humanism .....91 6. Desiderius erasmus: Prince of humanists ....103 Germany 7. Johannes Reuchlin: The great German hebraist ......123 8. Philip Melanchthon: The lutheran humanist .....139 England 9. John colet: The would-be reforming dean of St.paul`s .....157 10. Thomas more: The king`s good servant, but god`s first .....175 11. The English erasmians: Thomas linacre, William Grocyn and Thomas Lupset ......189 France 12. Jacques Lefevre D`Etaples: The Great french humanist ......209 Spain 13. Juan Luis Vives: The Spanish Erasmian .....225

9781848850828 1737

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