What Is the Bible?

Baker, Matthew

What Is the Bible? The Patristic Doctrine of Scripture - Minneapolis Fortress Press 2016 - 200p

includes index and biblioraphy

The Exegetical Metaphysic of origen of Alexandria .......3 A doctrine of Scripture from the eastern orthodox tradition : A reflection on the Desert father saint sarapion of Thmuis ...................21 He has clothed himself in our language .....35 John Chrystom on the Nature of Revelation and Task of Exegesis ..........49 Barsanuphius John, and Dorotheos on scripture: Voices from the desert in sixt - century gaza .........67 The Transfiguration of Jesus christ as saturated phenomenon and as a key to the dynamics of Biblical Revelation in Saint maximus the confessor ......83 Scripture as Divine mystery: The bible in the Philokalia ....103 2. Modern Approaches inspired by the Fathers The bible as heilsgeschichte...121 The gospel according to saint justin the New: Justin popovic on Scripture .............137 Reality and biblical Interpretation .....167 Merely academic ......181

9781506410746 4377

B01 / B171

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