Cultivating a Faith that Transforms: A Handbook of Fundamental Catechetics (Record no. 114887)

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fixed length control field 12403nam a22001577a 4500
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International Standard Book Number 9788119434046
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Classification number H40
Item number V240
Personal name Vallabaraj, Jerome and Lourdunathan, Antony Christy
Title Cultivating a Faith that Transforms: A Handbook of Fundamental Catechetics
Place of publication, distribution, etc. Delhi
Name of publisher, distributor, etc. ISPCK
Date of publication, distribution, etc. 2023
Extent 372p
Formatted contents note PART -1<br/>GOD`S SELF - COMMUNICATION AND CATECHESIS<br/><br/>Chapter - 1<br/>Christian Revelation : God`s Self - Communicative Initiative for Salvation of All Persons<br/>1. Christian Revelation<br/>2. A Synthesis of God`s Self - Communication <br/>3. Principal Dimensions of the Mystery of God`s Revelation<br/> 3.1 - Jesus Christ , the Centre and Culmination of Revelation<br/> 3.2 - Jesus Christ , the Word of God , Salvation Message for persons<br/> 3.3 - Jesus Christ , the Word of God , Incarnate in History<br/> 3.4 - Jesus Christ , the Word of God , Gift of the Holy Spirit<br/> 3.5 - Jesus Christ , the Word of God , "Given and Promised"<br/> 3.6 - Jesus Christ , the Word of God , Factual and Experienced Event<br/> 3.7 - Jesus Christ , the Word of God ,Beheld by the Community<br/>4. Regin of God Proclaimed by Jesus - the Gospel of Universal Salvation<br/>5. Evangelization - Universal call Towards the Realization of the Reign God , Proclaimed by Jesus Christ<br/>6. Proclaimation of the Reign of God - Fundamental Task and Final Goal of the Church<br/>7. Ecclesial Mediations at the Service of the Reign of God - Evangelizing Signs<br/>8. Evangelizing Signs within an Intercultural and Interfaith Environment<br/>9. Evangelizing Process<br/>10. Stages of Evangelization<br/>11. Forms of Evangelization Today<br/><br/>Chapter - 2<br/>Catechesis : An Ancient , Still Vital Ministry for Today<br/>1. The Long Journey of Catechesis<br/> 1.1 - Catechesis in the Apostolic Period<br/> 1.2 - Catechesis in the patristic period<br/> 1.3 - Catechesis in the Medieval period<br/> 1.4 - "Teaching Catechism" in the Modern Era<br/> 1.5 - Pre - Conciliar Catechetical Movements : From "Catechism" to "Catechesis"<br/> 1.6 - Vatican II , an Epoch - making Event : Global Revision of Catechesis<br/> 1.7 - The Abundance of Post - Conciliar Catechetical Teachings<br/>2. The Relationship Between Evangelization and Catechesis<br/>3. The Identity of Catechesis : A Diachronic Perspective<br/> 3.1 - General Catechetical Directory (1971)<br/> 3.2 - Catechesi Tradendae (1979)<br/> 3.3 - General Directory for Catechesis (1997)<br/> 3.4 - Directory for Catechesis (2020)<br/>4. The Identity of Catechesis : A Synchronic perspective<br/>5. Mystery of God`s Revelation and the Principal Dimensions of Catechesis<br/> 5.1 - Proclamation of Christ in Catechesis<br/> 5.2 - Catechesis of Significance<br/> 5.3 - Narrative Catechesis<br/> 5.4 - Catechesis in the Spirit <br/> 5.5 - Catechesis of Certainties and Open Problems<br/>6. Clarification of Terminologies <br/> 6.1 - Terminology linked to "Catechesis "<br/> 6.2 - Terminology associated with "Faith"<br/> 6.3 - Terminology related to "Religion"<br/> 6.4 - Terminology related to "Catechesis" and "Education"<br/> 6.5 -Catechetical Learning<br/> 6.6 - Terminology combining Evangelization and Catechesis<br/><br/> PART -2<br/>CATECHESIS IN THE EVANGELIZING MISSION OF THE CHURCH<br/><br/>Chapter -3 <br/>Catechesis - An Ecclesial Act and Experience of Christian Community<br/>1. Kerygma , Church and catechesis<br/> 1.1 - The Church Depends on the Word of God <br/> 1.2 - The Word of God is Embodied and Lives on in the Church<br/>2. Catechesis and Ecclesial perspectives<br/>3. Renewed Perspectives for catechesis<br/>4. Catechesis , An Ecclesial Action<br/> 4.1 - The Church Fashions Catechesis<br/> 4.2 - Catechesis Builds the Church<br/>5. Catechesis and Christian Community<br/> 5.1 - Understanding the term "Community"<br/> 5.2 - Christian Community<br/> 5.3 - Belonging to a Christian Community <br/> 5.4 - Theological and Pastoral Motives for the Revival of Commnity Dimension<br/> 5.5 - Communities - of - Disciples as Paradigm of Belongingness<br/> 5.6 - Marks of Authenticity of the Community -of - Disciples<br/> 5.7 - Constituents and Indicators of Dynamic Beloging to Community - of - Disciples<br/>6. The Community Dimension of Catechesis<br/> 6.1 - Community Option in the catechetical Ministry<br/> 6.2 - Groups , Associations and catechesis<br/>7. Community Catechesis : A Qualitative Transformation <br/> 7.1 - Community Catechesis : An Approach to the Christian Message<br/> 7.2 - A Methodology with a Community Stamp<br/>8. Community Catechesis as intergenerational<br/><br/>Chapter - 4<br/>Catechesis - A Diakonia of Charity and Commitment to Social Transformation<br/>1. Service and Charity in the Church <br/>2. The Meaning of Diakonia within the New Ecclesial Perspective<br/>3. The New Face of Diakonia of Charity<br/>4. Catechesis and Diakonia of Charity <br/> 4.1 - Diakonia of Charity at the Heart of Catechetical Action<br/> 4.2 - Catechesis of Promotion <br/> 4.3 - Catechesis and Education to Commitment<br/> 4.4 - Catechesis and the Option for the Poor , Persons with Disabilities and Marginalised<br/>5. The Social Dimension of Evangelizing Catechesis<br/> 5.1 - Foundations for the Social Mission of the Church <br/> 5.2 - Purpose of Church`s Social Ministry<br/> 5.3 - Nature of the Church`s Social Ministry<br/>6. Inseparability between Social Doctrine and Evangelizing Catechesis<br/> 6.1 - Some Characteristics of Social Dimesion of Evangelizing Catechesis<br/> 6.2 - Tasks of Social Dimension in Evangelizing Catechesis<br/> 6.3 - The Content of Social Dimension of Evangelizing Catechesis<br/>7. A Subject that is Always Alive : Catechesis and Politics<br/> 7.1 - Political Action and the Contemporary Mentality<br/> 7.2 - Christian Faith and Political Options<br/> 7.3 - Christian Community and Political Action<br/> 7.4 - Evangelizing Catechesis and Political Action<br/><br/>Chapter -5<br/>Catechesis - Celebration of the Mystery of Faith and Life<br/>1. The Conciliar Impact <br/>2. The Post - Conciliar Catechetical and Liturgical Journey<br/>3. Liturgy and Catechesis : Dialogue and Tensions <br/>4. Liturgy , the Place of the Word and Sign of Faith<br/>5. Liturgy , Catechesis and the Journey of Faith <br/>6. Liturgical Catechesis<br/> 6.1 - Liturgical Catechesis as Catechesis within Liturgy <br/> 6.2 - Liturgical Catechesis as Catechesis for the Liturgy<br/> 6.3 - Tasks of Liturgical Catechesis<br/>7. Liturgical Catechesis as Mystagogy<br/> 7.1 - Mystagogy : A Brief Historical Outlook<br/> 7.2 - Mystagogical Catechesis : Revival and Its Characteristics<br/>8. Mystagogy Today : Learning to Love and Live the Mystery<br/>9. Salient Features of Christian Mystagogical Journey <br/>10. Celebrations of the Faith and Education to the Faith<br/><br/> PART - 3<br/>CATECHESIS IN THE EDUCATIVE MISSION OF THE FAITH COMMUNITY<br/><br/>Chapter - 6<br/>Evangelization and Education - Towards an Integral Catholic Vision<br/>1. Renewal of Humanity through Humanizing Education : An Integral Element of Evangelization<br/> 1.1 - Dual Faithfulness : Evangelizing by Educating and Educate by Evangelizing<br/> 1.2 - Criteria for Implementing the Evangelizing - Educative Mission<br/> 1.3 - Global Compact for Education<br/>2. Understanding Christian Faith<br/> 2.1 - Faith as Response to the Initiative of Jesus Christ , the Word who Reveals Himself<br/> 2.2 - Faith as Welcoming of God`s Gift<br/> 2.3 - Faith as Believing in Jesus Christ and in His Reign<br/> 2.4 - Faith as Trusting in the Person of Jesus Christ <br/> 2.5 - Faith as Doing<br/> 2.6 - Faith as Communal - Being Disciples together by Sharing<br/>3. Educability of Christian Faith<br/>4. The Dynamics of Growth of the Faith<br/> 4.1 - The Dynamics of Faith as a Process of Initiation<br/> 4.2 - The Dynamics of Faith : Internalization of "Attitudes"<br/>5. Cultivating a Mentality of Faith : Goal of faith - Focused Education<br/>6. Towards Identification of the Typical Features of Authentic Faith<br/>7. Salient Tasks of Education to the Faith <br/> 7.1 - The Task of Stimulating and favouring Ongoing Conversion<br/> 7.2 - The Task of Inviting to "Remember" the giftedness "Constantly"<br/> 7.3 - The Task of Fostering Attitudes of Faith , Hope and Charity<br/> 7.4 - The Task of Leading to Knowledge of the Faith<br/> 7.5 - The Task of Initiating into the Celebration of the Mystery<br/> 7.6 - The Task of Forming for Life in Christ<br/> 7.7 - The Task of Teaching Prayer<br/> 7.8 - The Task of Living in Communion<br/>8. Sources of Education to the Faith<br/><br/>Chapter -7<br/>Catechesis and Culture - the Cultural Tirn of the Age of New Evangelization<br/>1. New Evangelization<br/>2. Understanding the Reality of Culture<br/>3. Faith - Culture(s) Encounter <br/>4.Culture and Cultures : From Multiculturality to Interculturality<br/>5. Interculturality - from the Perspective of Evangelization<br/>6. Intercultural Communication , Evangelization and Catechesis<br/>7. Evangelization, Culture(s) and Catecgesis<br/>8. Elements of complexity in the changing times<br/>9. Evangelization as Gospel - Culture(s) encounter<br/><br/> PART - 4<br/>CATECHESIS IN ACTION<br/><br/>Chapter - 8<br/>Non - negotiable Perspectives in Catechetical Praxis<br/>1. Catechetical Praxis Founded on the Pedagogy of Christian Faith<br/> 1.1 - Pedagogy of God and Pedagogy of God in Jesus Christ<br/> 1.2 - Pedagogical Nature of Catechesis<br/>2. Catechetical Praxis : A Process - Oriented Relational Evangelization<br/> 2.1 - Catechetical Praxis as Movement Away from Empiricism to Rationality<br/> 2.2 - Catechetical Praxis as a Movement Away from Mere Activity (or from Text) to Planning<br/> 2.3 - Catechetical Praxis as a Process<br/> 2.4 - Characteristics of Catechetical Praxis as a Process - Oriented Relation Evangelization <br/>3. Catechetical Praxis Sustained By Christian Faith Experience<br/> 3.1 - The Concept of Experience<br/> 3.2 - Religious Experience<br/> 3.3 - Christian Faith Experience<br/> 3.4 - Catechetical Praxis as a Process of Identification<br/>4. Catechetical Praxis as Fostering learning in and through Faith Experience<br/>5. Catechetical Praxis Focused on Learning the Gospel Lifestyle through Acquisition of Christian Competences<br/>6. Catechetical Praxis Furthered through the Principle of Graduality<br/>7. Catechetical Praxis realized through Appropriate Languages<br/>8. Catechetical Praxis that overcomes the Content - Method Opposition<br/>9. Catechetical Praxis Supported by `Remembring` and `Memory`<br/> 9.1 - Remembring in the Scriptures<br/> 9.2 - Role of Memory in the Catechetical Praxis<br/>10. Catechetical Praxis Sustained by the Christian Community through Intergenerational Catechetical Learning<br/><br/>Chapter - 9<br/>Catechetical Praxis - Planning and Procedural Perspectives<br/>1. Pastoral Planning : Does it Make Sense ?<br/> 1.1 - Why Pastoral Planning ?<br/> 1.2 - Approaches on Pastoral Planning - Salient Characteristics<br/> 1.3 - Catechesis within Pastoral Planning<br/>2. Clarifying the Terminologies of Catechetical Planning<br/> 2.1 - Catechetical Methodology as Planning<br/> 2.2 - The Methodological Character of the Catechetical Praxis<br/> 2.3 - Methodological Itinerary of Catechetical Praxis<br/> 2.4 - Method in Catechetical Methodology as Approach<br/> 2.5 - Method in Catechetical Methodology as Didactics<br/> 2.6 - Method in Catecgetical Methodology as Models<br/> 2.7 - Method in Catecgetical Methodology as Choice and Organization of Operational Interventions<br/> 2.8 - Communication Techniques , Tools and Aids in Catecgeyical Methodology<br/>3. Catechetical Planning and Present - day Cultural Scenarios<br/> 3.1 - Catechetical Planning in Contesxts of Pluralism and Complexity<br/> 3.2 - catecgetical Planning in Contexts of Ecumenism , of Dialoque with Judaism and other Religions<br/> 3.3 - Catecgetical Planning in the Context of Scientific Mentality and Socio - economic Realities<br/> 3.4 - Catechetical Planning in the Context of Diverse Christian Community Settings<br/> 3.4.1 - The Particular Churches<br/> 3.4.2 - Parishes<br/> 3.4.3 - Groups<br/> 3.4.4 - Academic Schools<br/>4. The Tools of Catechism of the Catholic Church and Local Catechisms<br/> 4.1 - Some Lessons from the History and from the Catechetical Movement<br/> 4.2 - The Catechism of the Catholic Church <br/> 4.3 - Local Catechisms<br/>5. In Concrete : Which Methodology and Methods for Today`s Catechesis<br/><br/>
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