Macy, Gary

Theology and the New Histories - New York Orbis Books 1999 - 262p

includes index and biblioraphy

1. New Methodologies The changing geography of Church History ...........23 Universalist pluralism and the new Histories ......33 History or Geography ? Gadamer, foucault, Theologies of Tradition ...........56 2. New Readings of Old Texts Rewriting early christian history ......89 How the lion Roars: Contextualizing the nine Riddles in Amos 3: 3-8.......112 Rahner and the New Histories : Everything old is new again .....133 Meaning and praxis in history : lonerganian perspectives ....150 3. New Sources The priest in the movie : On the Waterfront as Historical Theology ........186 Cotton patch justice, cotton patch peace: The sermon on the mount in the teaching and practices of clarence Jordan .........202 4. New Praxis Liberty in an Age of Coercion and Violence ......215 Celibacy and sexual Malpractice: Dimensions of Power and Powerlessness in Patriarchal Society ..........227 Experiential learning in service of a living tradition ...............245

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