Divine Essence and Divine Energies Ecumenical Reflections on the Presence of God in Eastern Orthodoxy
- Cambridge James Clark & Co. 2013
- 288p
includes index and biblioraphy
1. The concept of the divine energies ..........27 2. St. Gregory palamas as the response of Orthodox mistical theology to platonist and aristotelian metaphysics .................68 3. Pancreation lost: The fall of Theology .................68 4. The woes of Originality: Discuissing david bradshaw`s Aristotelian jouirney into neo-palamism ........96 5. Striving for participation : Palamite analogy as Dialogical Syn-Energy and thomist analogy as emanational similitude ............122 6. The significance of the distinction between the essence and energies of God according to st. basil the great .........149 7. Christianity and platonism in east and west ...........158 The sense and reference of the Essence and energies ............210 9. The distinction between essence and energy according to maximus the confessor ...........232 10. In defence of the essence /Energy distinction ..........256