Weinstein, Jay

Demography The Science of Population - 2th ed. - Jaipur Rawat Publications 2017 - 420p

includes index and biblioraphy

1. An Overview of Population science The nature of Population ...........5 Demographic Variables : Size, Structure, and Vital Events .........27 How population are Structured .............43 Geographic Distribution : Population and Territory ..........75 2. Population Dynamics: Vital Events and Growth Birth and Fertility: Measures, theories, and trends .......103 Mortality: Causes and Consequences ...................131 Migration : Geographic and Social psychological Components .............163 Population Dynamics in Historical and Comparative perspective...........183 3. Population models The life Table : An Introduction .....213 Population Estimates, Projections and Forecasts ...........245 4. Demography in Application Population Policy : Controlling demographic Processes ............275 Population and Environment .......305 Accessing and Using information about population Science ................335 Demography as an Applied Science .........353

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