Capeheart, Loretta

Social Justice Theories, Issues, and Movements - Jaipur Rawat Publications 2018 - 257p

includes index and biblioraphy

1. Explorations in Social Justice Conceptions of Justice : Classic and Modern Forms .............11 Distributive justice .............29 Retributive Justice .............45 Toward transformative Justice ........61 2. Issues in Social Justice Multiculturalism, Globalism , and Challenges to Developing Forms of Justice ...........77 Environmental and Ecological Justice .......93 Indigenous/Postcolonial Forms of Justice ..............108 Postmodern forms of Justice ...........125 3. Struggles for Social Justice Legal Struggles and Social Justice ...........143 Justice and Grassroots struggles ............159 Emerging Conceptions of Justice in a Global Arena ......179

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P55 / C170