Keith, Chris

The Reception of Jesus in the First Three Centuries -3 Vol.Set - London T&T Clark International 2020 - 382p

includes index and biblioraphy

Vol. 1 From Paul to Josephus: Literary Receptions of Jesus in the First Century CE Earliest Pauline Literature ......1 Pauline epistles ..........3 Gospel literature and Additions to Gospel Literature ..........39 Gospel of Mark...........41 Q........73 Gospel of Matthew.......107 Gospel of Luke ..........139 Gospel of John...........165 Longer Ending of Mark ..........187 Pericope Adulterate ....197 John 21.........209 Other Literature of Early Followers of Jesus ............223 Acts of the Apostles............225 Hebrews............243 James .............277 Petrine epistles and Jude ..........277 Johannine epistles.............297 Revelation ......309 First Clement .........325 Didache ..........337 Josephus ..........363 18 Testimonium Flavianum ..............365 Vol. II From Thomas to Tertullian : Christian Literary Receptions of Jesus in the second and Third Centuries CE Epistolary Literature .......1 19 Colossians...........3 Ephesians .........11 Pastoral of Barnabas ............27 Ignatius ..........41 Polycarp, to the Philippians 59 Apology of QWuadratus and Epistle to Diognetus .........73 Gospel Literature ..........91 Gospel narrating parts of Jesus`s Earthly Life ..............91 Protevangelium Jacobi..........93 Infancy Gospel of Thomas .........107 Gospel of Peter ...........123 Diatessaron ...........141 Jewish - Christian Gospels...........161 Gospel of the Ebionites ............163 Gospel of the Hebrews ............183 Other Gospels ..........193 Egerton Gospel ..........195 Epistula Apostolorum ...........207 Fayum Gospel .21`7 Gospel of Judas ............237 Gospel of Mary ..............247 Gospel of Philip.........255 Gospel of the Savior.........265 Marcion`s Gospel ..........291 Gospel Aditions Scribal alteration to the Canonical Gospels in Second- and third-Century manuscripts .........305 Apocalypse of Peter ..........329 Second esdras............341 Shepherd of Hermas ..........353 Other early christian writings ..........361 Acts of John, Acts of Peter, Acts of Thekla, Third Corinthians, and martyrdom of paul ................363 Christianized texts .........387 Irenaeus ..........401 Justin Martyr ......433 Martyrdom of Polycarp..........449 Odes of Solomon ............465 Origen ..........473 Second Clement ..........513 Tertullian .........531 Traditio apostolica..............555 Valentinian Gnosticism .............569 Vol. III From Celsus to the Catacombs: NON -Christian, Visual and Liturgical Receptions of Jesus Non -Christian Literary receptions of Jesus in the Second and Third centuries CE .........1 Lucian of Samosata.......31 Pliny the Younger..........41 Suetonius ...........51 Tacitus .....61 mara bar Serapion ..........71 Talmudim .............89 Visual Receptions of Jesus ........103 The Alexamenos Graffito ..........105 Amulets..........141 Art and Architecture at Capernaum, Kefar Othnay, and Dura-Europos...........151 Roman Catacombs ........201 Christograms ..........221 Cross Symbol..........235 Epitaph of Abercius ..........251 Fish Symbol ............271 Nomina Sacra ............291 Petrogram ..........301 Sarcophagi ...............307 Sculptural images of Jesus ........................337 Staurogram ..............349 Liturgical receptions of Jesus .............359 Baptism ............361 The Eucharist...............393 Prayer .................445 Public reading of the Gospels.............445 From Paul to Josephus: Literary receptions of Jesus in the First Century CE.-- From Thomas to Tertullian: Christian Literary receptions of Jesus in the Second and Third Centuries CE.-- From Celsus to the Catacombs: Visual, Liturgial, and Non-Christian Receptions of Jesus in the Second and Third Centuries CE. V1. V2. V3.

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