Lagerspetz, Olli

Trust, Ethics and Human Reason - London Bloomsbury 2015 - 205p

includes index and biblioraphy

1. Trust and our Worries with it.............1 Trust and reason ...........2 On how to write about what trust is ............6 The need for reflexivity .........8 Current issues .....12 Trust and Reliance ......15 Normative and Non-Normative conceptions of Trust ...........18 What happens next ........21 2. Trust and Hobbesian Reason ..........25 The hobbesian Dilemma ..........26 Trust as risk management ........29 A game-Theoretic Solution .......31 Critique of Game theory: The Need for a Social Framework ..............35 Trustworthiness and Encapsulated interests......37 Is this Trust? ...............39 3. Vulnerability and Entrusting ......47 Baier`s Ambiguous critique of Rationalism .......48 The theory of Trust as Entrusting ...........50 Entrusting and simple trust ..........51 Factural and ethical Vulnerability ............54 The notion of Possibility ..........56 4. The time Dimension .........69 Methodological Timelessness..........70 Prisoners Dilemma Revisited ............74 Timelessness in non-Formal Treatment of Trust ...........77 Assessing probability ......78 Trust as an Interpretative activity .........81 Normality in ongoing intaraction ...........87 Methodological timelessness and Methodological indivudualism ...........88 5. Trust as an Organizing tool ..........91 Is trust a Psychological State ............92 The Dys-Appearance of Trust ........95 Frist - and third - Person Perspectives ..........100 The need for Challenge .......103 6. Communication, Truthfulness, Trust .........107 Communication as Manipulation and Mind-reading ..............108 The Testimony debate ........112 The norm of Truthfulness................116 7. Basic Trust ................131 Trust as a Response to Scepticism .............133 A self- Deception theory of Basic trust .............136 Paranoia and Scepticism .....139 The Substratum of all my Enquiring and Asserting ........142 Meeting the Other in Trust : Weil and Logstrup ...............147 Idea of Basic Trust in Context .......153

9781441184870 2396

N40 / L136