Perumalil, Augustine

History of Women in Philosophy - 2th ed. - New Delhi Global Vision Publishing House 2018 - 383p

includes index and biblioraphy

1. The Archaic Period ......1 Enheduanna (C. 2285 BCE) Aganice of Egypt(1875 BCE) Lopamudra (c. 800 BCE) Gargi Vachaknavi (C. 800-500 BCE) Maitreyi(C. 800-500 BCE) Themistoclea (600 BCE) Cleobulina of Rhodes (570 BCE) Early pythagorean women (6th Century BCE) Melissa (6th Century BCE) Theano of Croton (c. 546 BCE) Arignote (6th Century BCE) Damo (6th Century BCE) Myia (6th Century BCE) 2. Classical Antiquity .........23 Aspasia of Miletus (470 BCE) Perictione I (c. 450 BCE) Perictione II (c. 450 BCE) Diotima of Mantinea (c. 5th Century BCE) Phintys of Sparta (C. 400 BCE) Axiothea of Philesia 4th Century BCE Arete of Cyrene (c. 400/300 BCE) Hipparchia of Maroneia (C. 340 BCE) Lasthenia of Mantinea (c. 300 BCE) 3. Early christian and Islamic Period ..............57 4. The Renaissance period ...........111 5. The period of Enlightenment and Industrial Revolution ...........167 6. The late modern period ........205 Hortense De Meritens (1801-1879) Harriet Martineau(1802-1896) Jenney Poinsard D`Hericourt(1809-1875) Elizabeth Cabot Cary Agassiz(1822-1872) Julie Velten Favre(1834-1896) Anna C. Brackett(1838-1929) Susan Blow (1843-1916) Grace C Bibb(1849-1912) Marietta Kies (1854-1899) Rosa luzemburg (1871-1919) Dorothy Maud Wrinch (1894-1976) Susanne Langer (1895-1985) Simone Weil(1909-1938) 7. Post-Second world war Period ..........255 Ayn Rand hannah Arendt (1906-1975) Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986) Raya Dunayevskaya (1910-1987) Marjorie glicksman grene (1910-) Jean Iris Murdoch (1919-1999) Elizabeth margaret anscombe (1919-2001) Mary Midgley(1919-) Betty naomi Friedan (1921-) Ruth Barcan Marcus (1921-) Mary B. Hesse (1924-) Gloria Evangelina anzaldua (1942-2004) Iris Marion Yong (1949-2006) The End of the Post-world war Period 8. Beyond 2000..............323 Helen Mary warnock (1924- ) Agnes Heller (1929-) Luce Irigaray (1932-) Celia Green (1935-) Julia Kristeva (1941-) Gayatri Chakravorty spivak (1942-) Susan Haack (1942-) Martha Nussbaum (1947-) Penelope maddy (1950-) Judith Butler (1956-)

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