The Book of Tobit Texts from the Principal Ancient and Medieval Traditions
- New York Walter De Gruyter 2004
- 792p
- Fontes Et Subsidia Ad Bibliam Pertinentes ; 200400ENGGPS3 .
includes index and biblioraphy
General Introduction ................1 The Texts in the Synopsis ...............9 Greek Texts ..........10 Latin Texts ............21 Hebrew and Aramaic Texts from Qumran ...............29 Later Hebrew and Aramaic Texts ..................32 Syriac Texts .................47 Other Texts ...............49 Texts presents in the Appendix ............49 Manuscripts collated in the notes to the synopsis ..........54 Notes on some texts and versions not included in this book ...................57 Singla .....................58 Notes to the Synopsis ...................................335 Greek concordance ..................335 Latin Concordance ................473 Hebrew concordance ..............589 Aramaic Concordance ...............713