Finlan, Stephen

The Apostle Paul and the Pauline Tradition - Bangalore Theological Publications in India 2009 - 229p

includes index and biblioraphy

1. The Social and Literary Settings of the Letters ..........1 Jewish messianic hope ........1 Hellenistic Universalizing ........5 Rhetoric and Paul`s Letters ..............9 2. An Outline of the Life of Paul ................11 Distinguishing the acts of the Apostles from the letters of Paul ..............11 The Damascus road Experience ............13 Paul`s Preaching career ............15 The apostolic Council ..............17 3. First and Second Thessalonians ..............20 First thessalonians ......20 Reciprocity, patronage, and Perseverance ...............20 Acquiring a Vessel ............22 The Second coming and Believer Resurrection .................23 Faith, Love, and hope : Ethical Advice .........25 Paul`s Use of Hellenistic Philosophy and Religion ............26 Second Thessalonians ..............28 4. First Corinthians ..........31 Where is the Wise one ? ..........32 Sexual boundarise, Images of Sacrifice and Redemption ...............36 More Sex, Food, and Sensitivity ..............40 The Typology and Ethics of Communion .............45 Love and Cooperation .............50 The resurrection of Christ and of Believers ...........53 A necessary charity - the Collection .............57 5. Second Corinthians ...............58 Sacrificial Suffering ...............58 The letter and the Spirit, Reflecting the Image of God ..............61 The New Creation ; Becoming righteousness ..............64 Apostle Defense and Authority ................68 The Collection for the Saints ............70 What is to be Praised ? The Self-Defense ..........71 6. Galatians ...............76 Apostleship from God, Not Humans .............77 Removing the curse, extending the promise ..............82 The Age of Faith .........88 No longer slaves ...........90 The fruits of the Spirit, Crucifying the flesh ..........92 7. Romans ...............97 The Righteousness of God ; The Sinfulness of Humanity ........97 The new mercy seat, Supersessionism ..........102 The faith of Abraham ; Penal Substitution ........108 The Overflow of the Obedience of Christ ..............109 The pistis christou debate ............111 Slaying the body of Sin ..........114 Dead to the law ...........116 Spirit, Flesh and Adoption ..............119 Saving Israel ...............125 Transformation, Ethics, and Practicality ...........130 The Strong, the Weak and the prominent ............132 8. Philippians and Philemon ...............136 Philippians ..........136 Knowledge of God.............136 The Christ Hymn ..............138 Resisting Judiazers, Appreciating Gifts .............140 Philemon ..............143 The subtlety of Paul`s Advice .............143 The Issue of Slavery ..............146 The Issue of Making Moral Judgements about Ancient texts ..............148 Covenant Ethics ........149 9. Colossians and Ephesians .................151 Questions of Authorship and Literary Relationships ........151 Knwoledge of God and Transformation .............154 The Household ..............158 The Fullness in the Church .................160 The Gentiles drawn Near ...........161 Making Known the Mystery ...............162 The Household Codes .............163 10. The Pastoral Epistles ............166 Authority Issues ..............166 Church Offices ............168 Defaming the Enemies ............170 Fighting for Pauline Authority .............171 Orderly roles and Ethical Conduct ................174 Guarding the Sound words ............176 Fighting for the Tradition ...............177 Sound doctrine to silence idle Talk .............179 Avoid Controversy and Argument ...........180 11. Hebrews and other Letters ...............182 Sacrificial Salvation in Hebrews.................182 Pauline elements in first peter .............186 Pauline Elements in First John ..............187 The pauline Tradition outside the new Testament .............188 Ignatius of Antioch .............190 Marcion and

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