Faber, Roland

Theopoetic Folds Philosophizing Multifariousness - New York Fordham University Press 2013 - 304p

includes index and biblioraphy

Reality, Eternality, and Colors: Rimbaud, Whitehead, Stevens ................15 Poetic Naming and the Advent of Truths:The role of Poetics in the Philosophy of Alain Badiou.............30 Kierkegaardian theopoiesis: Selfhood, Anxiety, and the Multiplicity of Human Spirits...............47 Theology as a Genre of the Blues ............64 Polyphony Poiesis, fides, et ratio in the Absence of Relativism ...............81 The world as an Ultimate : Children as Window to the World`s Sacredness..............97 The gravity of Love : Theopoetics and ontological imagination ..........109 Sub-version Theopoetics as radical Theology ..125 Toward the heraldic: A theopoetic response to monorthodoxy ..............142 The sublime, the conflicted self, and attention to the other : Toward a theopoetics with Iris Murdoch and julia Kristeva ...........159 The pluri-verse Theopoetics and the pluriverse.....179 Consider the lilies and the peacocks : A theopoetics of life between the folds ................195 Becoming intermezzo........212 After-word Silence, theopoetics, and theologos........239

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Philosophical Theology

C97 / F112