Martell, Luke

The Sociology of Globalization - Jaipur Rawat Publications 2017 - 336p

includes index and biblioraphy

Perspectives on Globalization : Divergence or Convergence?............19 The history of Globalization : Pre-modern, modern or Postmodern.........................43 Technology, Economy and the Globalization of Culture......67 The globalization of Culture: Homogeneous or Hybrid?.......89 Global Migration: INequality and history........105 The effects of Migration :is MIgration a problem or a solution?.......120 THe global economy: Capitalism and the economic bases of globalization a solution to world poverty?..............159 Politics, the state and globalization...............188 Global Politics and cosmopolitan democracy........214 Antiglobalizaton and global justice movements .......................239 THe future world order: The decline of American power.............259 War and Globalization...................287

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