Disabilities Insights from Across Fields and Around the World:- 3 Vol. Set
- California Praeger 2009
- 284p
includes index and biblioraphy
How rich and fulfilled my life has been......1 Understandings of the diability concept.......5 Disability harms ...19 But stroke happens to older people doesn`t It? .........35 Come sit with me....55 Disability in Arab Societies......63 We can cry later......81 Disability as a human perception......87 Traumatic brain injury and disability as a consequence of assault.........107 I thought I was going to live forever....123 COping following traumatic brain injury......129 Functional and psychosocial aspects of Late - onset........143 Disability in Islam............157 Living with a learning diability and other marginalized status....177 Persons and nonpersons....193 sharing my strengths and winning against obesity ..........211 the discursive construction and invalidation of disability............213 Shubharthis in India .....231 Excerpts from meditations of the heart on the workings.....................243 A taonga is a taonga in any language ..........249 volumr II Creating mental health disability through inadequate disaster response........1 Autonomy and disability.....17 Children who care for their parents...39 the digital town square......61 Understanding the Experience of Parenting a child with autism......81 Throught my rose-colored glasses....99 Australian indigenous health and the SIPES model of well-being ...111 Surely someone can support me....129 Navigating societal norms.........139 Disabilities and employment in the united states.........151 Youth with intellectual disabilities in foster care.............169 Mental disorder, disability and society .............185 Parental perspectives on Disability..201 Bullying of children with developmental disabilities ............219 Mosaic Reflections of American muslims on Disability........239 Voices of people with disabilities in Vietnam ......257 Substance use disorders and disability......275 chasing your dreams.......289 VOlume III Evolution of Disability politics and practices in the united states..........1 Global networking, Social justice, and implications for chronic illness and disability....17 Disablity in the state of Qatar........27 Attitudes towards inclusion in primary education in Greece......43 Vocational rehabilitation at a cancer agency in Canada .............63 Mental health care in Turkey....83 what all this about a world wide web?....95 Disability management .........129 When systems hurt rather than heal.......145 Equal treatment in working life for people with disabilities .....155 Wellness rhetoric....167 Health care, disability , and living with chronic illness......181 Acting for advocacy.........201 International accessibility ......215 Disability policy........227 Advocacy in the 21st Century...........245 A journey of self-through the lives of Others...........267 States of Exceptionality........273 Disability in Kenya........299 The Experience: Definitions, Causes, and Consequences.-- The Context: Environmental,Social,and Cultural Considerations.-- Responses: Practice,Legal, and Political Frameworks. V1. V2. V3.