Collins, Nina L

Jesus, the Sabbath and the Jewish Debate Healing on the Sabbath in the 1st and 2nd Centuries CE - New York T and T Clark 2016 - 482p - Library of New Testament Studies; 201600ENGGPS4 .

includes index and biblioraphy

Problem of Healing in Judaism .......1 An Overview of the Sabbath events in the gospels.17 The sabbath and post-sabbath healing events in the Gospels...............27 Sabbath healing in the Gosples: Summary of Conclusions of Chapter 3..........201 The terms and arguments of R. eleazar B. Azariah, R. Akiva and R. Ishmael and their school .........230 Direct interactions between R akiva And matthew? ..............270 Second - century interpretations of Biblical verses based on Pentateuchal Jewish law...288 Two symbolic seals of Approval from the amoraim......301 Specificity versus generality: Test cases for dating early specific tannaitic directives in relation to later general directives.................317 Other indications for dating : The modification of tannaitic directives on Healing the modification of Tannaitic Directives on healing ............332 Estimated earliest dates of Composition of Tannaitic directives on Healing and /or saving life ......................356 A very brief summary of the history of the early jewish debate on acts of Healing and /or saving life and the contribution of the gospels and the historical Jesus to this jewish debate.........................424

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