Lindberg, Carter

The Reformation Theologians An Introduction to Theology in the Early Modern Period - Oxford Blackwell Publishers 2002 - 396p

includes index and biblioraphy

humanist theologians
Jacques Lefevre d`Etaples Guy Bedouelle, OP
Desiderius Erasmus /. Laurel Carrington
lutheran theologians
Martin Luther Oswald Buyer
Philip Melanchthon Heinz Scheible
Matthias Flacius Oliver K. Olson
Argula von Grumbach Peter Matheson
Urbanus Rhegius Scott Hendrix
Johannes Brenz Hermann Ehmer
Martin Chemnitz Robert Kolb
reformed theologians
Huldrych Zwingli Gregory]. Miller
Heinrich Bullinger Bruce Gordon
John Calvin Randall C. Zachman
Peter Martyr Vermigli Frank A. James III
Theodore Beza Richard A. Muller
Katharina Schiitz Zell Elsie Anne McKee
Thomas Cranmer Peter Newman Brooks
Richard Hooker Daniel F. Eppley
roman catholic theologians
Thomas de Vio Cajetan Jared Wicks, SJ
Thomas More Ralph Keen
Ignatius of Loyola John W. O`Malley, SJ
Teresa of Avila Gillian T. W. Ahlgren
"radical" theologians
Andreas Bodenstein von Karlstadt Alejandro Zorzin
Thomas Miintzer Gottfried Seebass
Caspar von Schwenkfeld Andre Seguenny
Menno Simons Sjouka Voolstm
Trajectories of Reformation Theologies Carter Lindberg

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