Rabinowitz, Aaron

Judaism and Psychology Meeting Points - Lanham Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc. 1999 - 225p

includes index and biblioraphy

Background ..............1 Research : History and Problems.........1 Factors Influencing the resurgence of interest in psychology of Religion......7 Common Prejudices of he Psychologist of Religion......9 The Author`s Position and Aim .........11 Human Nature ...17 Psychological Views of Human Nature, Personality Theories .......19 The Jewish View ..........25 Positive Attributes of the Yetzer Hara-the Evil Inclination ..............31 Comparison and Evaluation of the Psychological and Religious Positions ......33 Structure of Personality ........35 The Unconscious ........41 Definition and Brief History ........41 Methodology used in Ascertaining the Judaic View ..........43 The Unconscious : Jewish sources .....49 Dissimilarities Between the Concepts : Modes of Thinking .....61 Content of the unconscious .....67 Dissimilarities : Darwinism ......69 The Use of the unconscious in Bible Interpretation ...........75 Other Examples .81 Korah`s Rebellion ....85 Nadav and Avihu-Aaron`s Sons........89 Israel`s Forty years of Wanderifng in the desert ......91 The concept of the unconscious in Hasidic Literature .......93 The Challenge of Flawed Character Traits .....97 Relevant psychological Theories ...101 Arguments Critical and Supportive of the Tifert` Position .......103 Theological and psychological Implications ..109 Comparing the Jewish and Psychological Views ....113 Psychotherapy .......117 Psychotherapy: Its Relation to Biblical and Rabbinic Judaism ......117 Biblical Sources for a Healing, Helping Model ......123 Implications of a Healing Model of Psychotherapy ..127 Jewish and christian Variations of the Healing model......131 Self-Knowledge : A Central Components of the Healing model .......135 Complexity in Judaism and Psychotherapy ......139 Psychology, Education and Judaism ..........145 Ethical and Moral Values .........163 Other Approaches to the Issues ..167 Psychology : its relation to value Systems .173 Points of Similarity ........175 Religious Experience ..........179

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