Foltz, Bruce V

Medieval Philosophy A Multicultural Reader - London Bloomsbury Publishing 2019 - 715p

includes index and biblioraphy

1. Ancient philosophy as a Spiritual Tradition : Predecessors of Medieval Philosophy ...........15 Plato (427-347 BCE)................19 Aristotle (384-322 BCE)...................26 Cicero (106-43BCe).................34 Epictetus ...........38 Plotinus (205-270)...........42 Proclus (c. 412-485)...........62 Part 2. The Greek Christian Tradition ...................79 Justin Martyr (c. 100-c. 165)..............83 Irenaeus of Lyons (c. 130-c. 205)............88 Clement of Alexandria (150-c. 215)..........92 Origen (C. 185-253)..............98 Athanasius of Alexandria (c. 300-373)............108 Basil of Caesarea (c. 330-379).........121 Gregory Nazianzen (c. 330-390)..........131 Gregory of Nyssa (c. 335-c. 394)................135 Evagrius of Pontus ..........143 John Chrysostom .......148 Dionysius the Areopagite ......154 Philoponus ........169 Maximus the Confessor .....179 John of Damascus .........196 Symon the new Theologian ..........208 Gregory palamas ........214 Part 3. The latin Christian Tradition ............233 Augustine of Hippo.............237 Boethius ...........254 John Scottus Eriugena ..........259 Anselm of Canterbury .........268 Bonaventure of Bagnoregio ............280 Thomas Aquinas .............293 Marguerite porete ..........315 Meister Echkart .............323 John duns scotus ...........330 William of Ockham ..........340 Nicholas of Cusa ............354 Part 4. The Jewish Tradition .......367 Rabbinic, MIdrashic and Early Mystical writings ........369 Philo of Alexandria ...........379 Isaac Israeli ...........395 Saadya ............400 Solomon Ibn Gabirol ......409 Judah Halevi ...........429 Bahya ibn Pequda .........446 Moses Maimonides ........456 Gersonides.............476 Part 5 : The Islamic Tradition ...........531 Theology of Aristotle ........535 Razi .........541 Alfarabi ..........553 Avicenna .............582 Ghazali ..........609 Ibn Tufayl ..........632 Averroes ..............652 Suhrawardi .........668 IBC Arabi .........680 Mulla Sadra ..........686

9781472580405 9740

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