Human, Dirk J

Psalmody and Poetry in Old Testament Ethics - London Bloomsbury 2012 - 207p - Library of Hebrew Bible/ Old Testament Studies; 201200ENGGPS5 .

includes index and biblioraphy

1. Introduction Hebrew Ethics in Old Testament Scholarship ..............3 What is Good? Meta-Ethical Assumptions in the Psalms Concerning the Relation Between Divinity and Morality ........14 2. Psalmody The Ethical way of psalm 16 ...........45 Psalm 34 and the Ethics of the Editors of the Psalter ............56 Who Stands Behind the Psalm 50: 16 A ? The Ethical Testimony of Psalm 50: 16-22..............76 The King`s Justice? Early Modern Perspectives on the Ethics of Psalm .......72 Bodily Interpretation of Psalm 104: Yahweh`s History and Human Ethics ......112 Ethics and Justice in an African Society .........128 Ethical and Theological Parallels Between Biblical Psalms and The NKST indigenous christian songs ...........142 Psalm 133 as a Response to Xenophobic Attitudes in South Africa Today .......156 3. Poetry in Pentateuch and Prophets Singing Moses : His Farewell song in Deuteronomy 32..........169 Prophet and Ethics : A study of Jeremiah 5: 26-29.........181

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