Singh, Priya

Asia Annual 2011: Democracy in Asia: Discourses and Counter-Discourses - New Delhi KW Publishers Pvt. Ltd 2013 - 315p

Realism and Democracy : Two Stories of the American Engagement with Asia .........13
Dots of Democracy on a Socialist Canvas : the History of Democratic Movements in China ......35
Promoting Democracy and Foreign Policy: Major Powers and Myanmar .......49
The Democratic Role of Ethnicity in Nepal .......73
Marxists Democratic Problematic and the Decline of the Left in West Bengal .....101
Crossroads: Democracy and the Turkish Model ....117
Arab Spring : Authoritarianism in the Middle East Re-Examined ....135
The Arab Spring : Quo Vadis .......159
The Facade of Social Capital and Democracy : The Case of Egypt ...173
The Muslim Brotherhood Movement Facing the Challenge of Democracy: Political Transition in Post-Revolutionary Egypt ......193
Debates on Transition and Democracy in Central Asia : The Post Soviet Experience ........211
Russia : From Demokratizatsiya to Suverennaya Demokratiya ...........227
Special Essays
Islam and Democracy: A Conceptual Analysis ......257
Maulana Abdul Kalam AZad : The Mongol Space Re-Visited ......287
Mass Attitude in Democracy Sustainment: A Case study of Public Perceptions of Democracy in Afganistan ......299


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