Krishnaswami, O R

Karma Yoga: Yoga of Action: Based on the Teachings of Sri Swami Satchidananda - New Delhi Dev Publishers and Distributors 2016 - 363p

The Goal of Life and Yoga ........1
What is Karma ? ...........9
The Categories of Karma or Kinds of Karma ......13
What Causes .....27
Three Gunas ...........33
Karma and Character ...48
Universal Laws ..........52
The Doctrine of Karma .....63
Philosophy of Rights and Wrong .........103
Qualities and Qualifications of a Karma Yogi...139
Practice of Karma Yoga .......147
Obstacles .......156
Duty .....162
Selfless Service.177
Work as worship ......189
Self- Surrender ....192
Karma Yoga in Daily Life .......199
Death ....211
Transmigration .........222
Heaven and Hell .....288
The Doctrine of Reincarnation .....239
Reincarnation in World Religions.....255
Resurrection .....292
Fatalism Vs. Free Will .........297
Karma and Astrology ........309
Social Dimensions of Karma .......314
Purpose of Suffering ..........317
Freedom from Karma and Rebirth ......327
Liberation ...344
Some Karma Yogis .......355


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