Chittick, William C

The Sufi Path of Love: The Spiritual Teachings of Rumi - New Delhi Dev Publishers and Distributors 2018 - 433p

Introduction .1
1. Theory.....17
Seeing Things as they Are ...19
Spirit Heart, and Intellect ...27
God and the World ...42
2. Practice ..109
Doubters and Deniers ........111
The Prophets and Saints .......119
The Discipline of the Way .......148
3. Attainment to God....171
Naughting the Self .....173
Separation and Union .....132
Imagination and Thought ....248
Poesy and Imagery .....268
The Garden of Spring .....280
The Heart - Ravishing Beloved ......286
Winedrinking and Revelry....311
The Beloved`s Beloved ......334


SS89.31 / C449