Bankston, Samantha

Deleuze and Becoming - London Bloomsbury Academic 2019 - 220p - Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philosophy .

The Conceptual History of Becoming in Deleuze ....13
Becoming -Bergson.16
A Rejection of Hegel`s Concept of Becoming ........20
Where Absolute Becoming Splits from Sensory becoming ........26
The Innocence of Becoming ......32
Absolute becoming and ontological forgetting ...........35
Quasi-Causality .......47
Double Causality in Deleuze .....48
Deleuze, whitehead and Kant on Final Causality ........50
Immanent Causation in the Logic of Sense......53
Zizek and the Critique of Dualist ontology ......56
Absolute Becoming and event ....60
Sensory Becoming and Bodies ......69
The Gateway of the Moment and the Quasi-Cause........74
Instantaneous time and Nomadology ........76
Lines and Becoming .......81
The Abstract line .......82
The northern line ..........87
The Line-Bloc...........87
Time and the Eternal Return .....111
The Milieu and the Ritornello.....127
The Paradox of the Untimely ...........133
The Becoming of Gilles Deleuze......151
Re-Appropriation and the Concept of Becoming masks in Deleuze`s Works.....152
The Becoming of the Moment .....165
Conceptual Lines and the Defeat of Dualist Ontology ........172


N86.1DG / B226