Greenwood, Kyle R

Since the Beginning: Interpreting Genesis 1 and 2 Through the Ages - Michigan Baker Academic 2018 - 308p

Old Testament Reverberations of Genesis 1-2...........1
Interpretation of Genesis 1-2 in Second Temple Jewish Literature .........23
New Testament Appropriations of Genesis 1-2...........45
Early Rabbinic Interpretations of Genesis 1-2..............77
Interpretations of Genesis 1-2 among the Ante - Nicene Fathers .........97
Medieval Jewish Interpretation of Genesis 1-2 ...........147
Medieval Christian Interpretation of Genesis 1-2 among the Protestant Reformers..........189
Rediscovery of the Ancient Near East and Its Implications for Genesis 1-2............215
Post-Darwinian Interpretation of Genesis 1-2........239


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